HA405 : The Class : Personal Management : Ethics : Audio Transcript |
PHASE ONE: Personal and Professional Strategy
Step # 2: Personal Management
Topic 3: Ethics
Input (9/28/99)
Doctor Mac here.
Welcome to another session of Hospitality Sales Management
This is
PHASE ONE: Personal and Professional Strategy
Step # 2: Personal Management
Topic 3: Ethics
In the last topic, you learned, first about Essential Personal and Team
Skills. Specifically, you were introduced to the primary skills needed by salespeople.
Additionally, you examined your own "self-esteem" quotient and learned
that a healthy self-esteem is mandatory for success in selling as well as other
professional areas.
In this topic you will learn about "Ethics." Specifically,
you will learn about a branch of ethics that focuses on problems of economic
enterprise: "Business Ethics."
The purpose of this topic is to firmly implant in you minds that consultative
selling is impossible without managing ethics in selling. Consultative selling
depends on establishing long-term relationships with customers. Customers will
not deal with dishonest people who lack integrity and they do not trust. Management
of ethics is the glue that holds these relationships together.
When you have completed this topic, you should:
In this topic, you learned about the application of ethics in the workplace
and why "good ethics" makes "good business."
The next topic, # 4, Audit of Personal Communication Styles, stresses
the importance of knowing your own and your customer's communication style.
The purpose of this knowledge is to assist your ability to have your message
heard by your customer.
So, let's get to work!
This is Dr. Mac saying, "Persevere and be of good cheer!"
Reading time: Approximately 2 minutes.
Go on to Online Lesson: Toward a Personal Code of Ethics
Go back to Ethics
Send E-mail to Richard G McNeill Ed.D., CHME
or call (520) 523-1713
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Northern Arizona University