P1, S2, T2





            What makes a salesperson successful?  Some people believe the most important factor is hard work.  This is partially true, but in the “real world” some people are more efficient and effective than others.  That is, they accomplish more with the same level of intensity.  Is this because they work smarter?  Probably.  The lack of self-organization results in wasted time and energy.  There are four primary dimensions where salespeople must manage themselves.




            1.1            Limited number of days in the year.

            1.2            Total selling time is limited.

            1.3            Salesperson activities

                        1.31            Prospecting (seeking new potential customers) time

                        1.32            Presenting (persuading and demonstration) time

                        1.33            Maintenance & Development (after-sale service) time

                        1.34            Record keeping time

                        1.35            Travel time     

                        1.36            Personal and Professional Development time


            1.4            Commentary


            Improving the management of both time and territory is a high-priority concern in the field of selling. There is definitely a close relationship between sales volume and number of customer contacts made by the salesperson.  How to improve time management?


            Record Your Time-Consuming Activities.  Once you have logged how you are currently spending your time and have identified “time-wasters,” that you are in a position to correct.  Don’t correct all at once.  Pick one or two of the top wasters and work on them.  Then pick another two and so on until you have a better control.


            Time Management Methods.  The following are some strategies to use:


1.            Develop a series of personal goals.

2.         Prepare a daily “to do “ list.

3.            Maintain a planning calendar

4.            Organize your selling tools (literature, forms, addresses,etc.)

5.            Automate wherever possible:  use a laptop to computerize selling tools, communications, and to maintain records.  NOTE:  Saleforce Automation (SFA) is supported and offered by the more sophisticated selling organizations today.




            2.1            Number of accounts in a given territory vary

            2.2            Potential of each account in a given territory varies

            2.3            Geographic distance in territories vary


            2.4            Commentary


            A territory is the boundaries surrounding the potential (prospective) customers and existing customers for which a salesperson is responsible.  A territory can be geographic as well as defined by other boundaries such as industry, type of company, etc.


            Management is important to realize the maximum potential in each territory.  A metaphor for a territory is a farm.  The salesperson (farmer) has a territory (field) that requires plowing, planting, feeding/fertilizing, and finally harvesting. So, the territory must systematically be worked. 


            Step 1:  Classify all Customers in the Territory.  Each account varies by potential and actual sales volume, thus the salesperson must allocate his or her time accordingly.


            Step 2: Develop a Routing and Scheduling Plan.  Travel is one of the most time consumers for a salesperson.  Smart travel within the territory is essential.  Also, there must be a balance between time spent with established customers and potential customers.


            Step 3: Develop a Sales Call Plan.  A sales call plan is a weekly action plan, usually initiated by the manager of the salespeople.  This action plan keeps track of sales calls to be made. Its primary purpose is to ensure efficient and effective account coverage.  Salespeople and their managers work together to arrive at a customized sales call plan for each salesperson.






            3.1            All salespeople must maintain a certain number of records

3.2       Purpose:  to systematize data collection and storage (report to sales management).

3.3       Examples:

3.31            Planning calendars (including personal sales strategic/tactical plans) – includes sales calls plans which have a portion of the form designated for the sales call report.

3.32            Prospect forms –Keep record of pertinent data on potential customers.

3.33            Sales Call reports – records information about the people that the salesperson has called on and what took place.

3.34            Summary Reports – summarizes the weekly reports.

3.35            Expense Reports – records selling expenses such as meals, lodging, travel, and other, such as entertainment expenses.

3.36            Lost Business Reports – especially useful to hotel selling organizations which may lose a piece of business and later need to call previously interested buyers to see if they might change their mind.

3.37            Market competitive information reports- reports by salespeople from the field on activities regarding competitors: changes, movements, etc.

3.38            Personal sales forecasts – salespeople are almost always contacted and asked to help prepare an accurate sales forecast for the company.  Accumulated personal sales forecasts are one such company forecasting methodology.


4.0            STRESS MANAGEMENT


            4.1            Sales is and “emotional roller-coaster” if not managed.

4.2       Attaining “balance” in life and a certain philosophical approach is necessary:

4.21            Personality:  (1) Physical Life (including career), (2) Social/Emotional Life, and (3) Mental Life (life-long learning)


4.31            Spirituality:  Having a perspective on your unique place and relationship in the universe.


            4.3            Commentary


            Stress is the response of your body or mind to demands on it, in the form of either physiological or psychological strain. Stress is beneficial in mild doses and over short periods of time as it focuses effort.  Stress becomes a problem when in heavy doses over long periods.  I causes excessive wear and tear on the body and can even kill you.  With most salespeople continuously involved with their job, it is important to manage stress.


            Management of stress is possible when the salesperson attains balance in his/her life.  Balance, as mentioned above, means balancing the personality side of life and the spirituality side of life.  Amazingly, when all is in balance and perspective, many of the usual “stressors” take  reduced importance to a person and, thus, stress is relieved.