HA - 400


"How to Make Your Ideas Attractive to Others"


You are studying a sales course. I'm sure that all of you have "mixed" views of what sales is all about, however I hope that this course will convince you that the "NEW" PROFESSION OF SELLING IS VASTLY DIFFERENT than what you might have previously conceived. Hopefully, you will take these skills of persuasion and influence and have tools to make you successful even if you do not directly enter the sales profession. Specifically, the art of persuasion and influence will help you personally and professionally in the two following areas:

1. SELLING YOURSELF IN YOUR CAREER PATH. Most people will change positions or companies several times during a successful career. Did you ever think about the fact that you are a "bundle of benefits" or assets that employers and others might be interested in "purchasing" (paying a salary for your services). Do you think that you need to be able to effectively sell yourself to others? Do you need to sell your ideas, concepts, etc? Is selling similar or synonomous to influence and persuasion?

2. SELLING YOURSELF AS A "LEADER" OR "MANAGER." Today's manager's cannot lead by "command & control." People need to be influenced and persuaded to follow the direction of today's leader. You must have their "hearts" and "minds" to be an effective leader today. Most of you will be managers. How do you think selling, persuading, or influencing can help you be a better leader and manager?

Can the "Consultative Selling Model" provide you a guide to develop both your personal and professional career?