HA - 400
Assessment Item |
Excellent 10 |
Excellent 9 |
Average 8 |
Average 7 |
Poor 6 |
Did Not Do 0 |
THE APPROACH Objective # 1 - Reestablish Relationship 1. Effectively reestablished relationship (made enthusiastic comments about information from last meeting and what commonalities are now known). 2. Communicated positive body language(good entrance, carriage, handshake, and seating posture) 3. Communicated positive verbal language (used positive words, showed enthusiasm with well-modulated voice). 4. Used customer's name effectively (used name at least three times). Objective # 2 - Transition to "Business Conversation 5. Made transition statement to business purpose. Communicated sales call/interview objectives (shared why salesperson was calling). |
Objective # 3 - Summarize and Confirm Needs 6. Showed clear understanding of each need that the customer said was important (from Role-Play III). 7. Ended this summary with, "is there anything else that I have not covered?" Objective # 4 - Gave Brief "Differentiation" Statement 8. This is something unique about your facility (this is a type of "headline" which puts the customer on alert to look for something special) (NOTE: You will not do this in this role-play) Objective # 5 - "Match" each Need with a Productfeature/benefit 9. Made effective Need/Product "matching" statements (see your Strategic Sales Planning Form). Included all parts: a. Restate need (do one need at a time with a full matching statement for each b. Match with "feature" c. Support "feature" with a proof device (picture or other. You would have a brochure (paper or electronic) with you if you presenting at the customer's office. The best proofs would be to present as you were giving the customer a "site-visit" of your hotel...real experience vs. pictures.) d. Use "translation" words to convert to "benefit (s)" e. End "matching" statement with a "confirmation question/statement" Objective # 6 - Negotiate and Buyer Resistance NOTE: You will encounter three types of resistance in Role-Play IVb. Normally, the resistance would come during your "matching" statements above...specifically, when you asked the "confirmation question/statement." 10. Negotiated each of the following types of Resistance using the "Feel, Felt, Found" formula (See Role-Play Site Map for more description). a. SOURCE b. TIME c. PRICE Objective # 7 - Summarized "Benefits" as Discussed in "Matching" Above ("Benefits" NOT "Needs", as earlier are summarized 11. Smoothly changes topic to business issues and subtlely comments on Hotel's general feature/benefits. |
CLOSE AND FUTURE ACTIONS Objective # 8 - Ask For the Order 11. Asked for the order in a clear and direct way. (Just be sure that there is no mistake that you are asking for the order. Objective # 9 - Handle Any Customer Resistance to Making a Commitment 12. You will not meet any resistance in this role-play. Objective # 10 - After-Sale Service 12. Effectively thanked customer for the business. Gave the customer an idea of what actions would take place after the order was placed (This keeps the customer from feeling that all the salesperson is interested in is making this sale).
Copyright © 1999 Northern
Arizona University
Copyright © 2000 Richard
G. McNeill