

Establishing A Relationship With the Customer

  RELATIONSHIPS IN THE "REAL WORLD:" In most cases, "relationships" are started and first established during social gatherings. Salespeople belong to many orgnanizations where they meet and get to know potential customers (prospects). Remember from your "Customer DataBase" lesson, "Warm Sources" of potential buyers (your pool of "suspects") come from these social encounters. Good salespeople systematically build and develop social networks which inevitably become part of their "databases." ("Cold Sources" as you recall are databases built from impersonal sources such as directories)

This role-play conversation below assumes that the salesperson is meeting the customer for the first time "in their office." So, the situation might sound a little artificial, although IN ALL CASES, in Consultative Selling, it's necessary to first establish and then maintain and develop further the relationship.




1.         Follows the "Evaluator's " Form for effective "Relationship" interviews.

2.         Role-Play Members: (a) Salesperson-Rich McNeill and (b) Customer-Erin Adkins.



Role-Play II Model Script

The Approach  

RICH:  Good morning, Ms. Adkins.  I’m Rich McNeill, Account Executive with the Hyatt Regency Phoenix Hotel.  (Making a good entrance, smiling, shakes hands and then hands business card to Erin Adkins).


RICH:  Thank you for inviting me over to get to know you a little better and update you on some of the exciting developments at my hotel.


Accomplishing the Purpose of the Sales Interview (To Build a Relationship)

(Note: the following objectives come from the "Evaluator's" Form found at the Role-Play Site Map) 

Objective # 1 Comment on Known Items About Erin Adkins


RICH:  I understand that we have a mutual acquaintance, Toni Bush.


ERIN:  Really, she’s my cousin you know.


RICH:  It’s a small world, I was just talking with her last week and within a few days you called us to come over an visit.


RICH:  And speaking of a small world, I saw you on TV the other day, in an AD for the YWCA I believe.


ERIN:  Well, that’s right, but I’m not happy about it.


RICH: Really, why?


ERIN:  (Changes the subject to avoid talking about this)   (Rich notices avoidance and continues:

RICH:  Is that Chicago Bull’s photo autographed  by Michael Jordan?

NOTE:  Conversation continues through other known items about Erin Adkins and attempts to gain NEW INFORMATION ABOUT Erin (Rich will put this into his database)


Objective # 2 – Takes Notes


Rich asks (at an appropriate time) if Erin minds (politeness) if he take a few notes (shows interest and captures information that might be difficult to remember.


Objective # 3 – Changes Topic From Relationship to Business


RICH:  Ms. Adkins, do you know much about the Hyatt Regency Phoenix Hotel?


ERIN:  Not much, but I pass by it every day.


RICH:  We are very excited about the $2.8 million renovation, what this means for our meeting customers is that their attendees will have “state-of-the-art” facilities which provides comfortable accommodations for the meeting.  All this translates into a successful meeting.


Objective # 4 – Inquire about Erin’s Future Meetings (NOTE:  No other selling attempt)


RICH:  I understand that you plan meetings for the YWCA, is that right?


ERIN:  That’s right.


RICH:  Do you have any meetings coming up where I might be of service?


ERIN:  No not at the moment.

(Objective: Remember that you only conducted this meeting to build a relationship and not to sell)

  Closing Conversation

RICH:  Ms. Adkins, I appreciate your taking time to meet with me today.  I am happy to have had the opportunity to get to know you a little better and to let you know what’s new at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix Hotel. 

Future Actions

RICH: Should you need any assistance, please feel free to give me a call.  Better yet, if you’re going to be in the neighborhood around lunch sometime, give me a call and I’d be happy to give you a tour of the property.