Web Course Student Assesment

The information in this on-line form is being collected as part of NAU's Office of Teaching and Learning Effectiveness (OTLE) Assessment Plan. Your participation in this research is being solicited in order to achieve a better understanding about your experience as a student in an NAU-Online Web course. The results of this survey will guide OTLE in developing and improving future NAU-Online Web courses. Your response will be held in the strictest professional confidence, and your instructor will not have access to any individual's response. Thank you for your participation.

The following sections contain questions pertaining to the on-line course. Specifically, we would like to know about accessibility, understanding of course requirements, interactivity, assessment, and appropriateness of the course information.

Please answer the following questions using the scale below, unless indicated otherwise.

Unacceptable Poor Average Good Excellent

Access: The following section contains questions pertaining to accessibility, that is, your ability to get to the course and all things pertaining to the course.

1. I was able to access this course with little difficulty.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

2. I could access the content in a timely way.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

3. I was able to access any and all resources required for this course (i.e., library, textbook, on-line and print resources).
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

4. I was able to utilize the technology to access everything I needed in this course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

5. It was important for me to be able to take this course at my choice of location.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

6. I was able to take this course controlling the pace that was best for me.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

7. There were sufficient instructions on how to access resources at a distance.

8. I was able to access NAU for . . .(mark all that apply)

9. I accessed this course through the following computers (please mark as many as apply):

Understanding of Course Requirements: The following section contains questions pertaining to your ability to understand the course requirements on-line, as they were presented.

10. All pertinent information about the course, such as course prerequisites, modes of study and technical needs, were provided.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

11. I had the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills needed to do well in this course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

12. It was clear to me what was expected from learning activities.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

13. I knew what level of participation was expected of me.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

14. The syllabus was clear on what I was supposed to know (or be able to do) upon completion of this course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

15. I was able to understand how to learn the content.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

Learning: The following section asks questions about your access to opportunities for learning in this course.

16. The learning objectives were clearly stated and understandable to me.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

17. I was given adequate opportunities to master the content.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

18. This course required me to use higher order thinking skills, such as analysis or synthesis of information (as opposed to recall).
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

19. The technology did not get in the way of how I learn personally.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

20. The instructor provided alternate learning opportunities so that it met my learning styles.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

21. The course offered sufficient opportunities for engaged, or active, learning.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

22. The way the course was presented helped me learn the material.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

23. At the end of the course, I had more understanding of the content than I had before taking the course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

24. At the end of the course, I had more skill in applying the content and concepts taught than I had before taking the course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

25. I was successful in learning from a distance.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

Interactivity: The following section asks questions about the levels and types of activity and interaction with the course materials, your instructor, and other students. For this survey, interactivity can refer to discussions, question and answer, communication, social contact, etc.

26. I was given choices on how I could interact with the instructor and with other students.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

27. The following modes of interactions were used in this course.

28. The following are modes of interactions I would like to use in future courses.

29. The technology allowed for enhanced interactivity with my instructor.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

30. The technology allowed for enhanced interactivity with other students.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

31. I learn best when I have social interaction with other students in a course.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

32. This Web course was able to provide adequate social interaction.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

33. Taking this course from the Web improved my motivation for learning.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

34. I intend to take more Web courses. Yes   No   Don't Know

35. Because of this course, I am now interested in taking future Web courses.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

Appropriateness: The following section asks questions about the appropriateness of this course being delivered as an on-line course.

36. We are interested in whether this course is appropriate for teaching on the Web.

37. Approximately how many average hours per week did you devote to this course?

38. The hours required to complete this course were:

Assessment: The following section asks questions about the assessment, or grading, portion of your course.

39. The assessment methods used to determine my achievement in this course were appropriate for the on-line format of this course.

40. If you marked Poor or Unacceptable for #39, please explain:

41. The assessment methods used to determine my achievement in this course were appropriate to my learning needs.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

42. If you marked Poor or Unacceptable for #41, please list any concerns and problems:

43. Methods used for submitting materials to be graded were appropriate.
UnacceptablePoorAverageGood Excellent

44. Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Demographic Information: The following section asks questions that will help us understand more about the students taking NAU Web courses.

45. Gender: Male Female

46. How old will you be on December 31 of this year?

47. Are you enrolled as a: Full-time student Part-time student     Other

48. Are you taking other NAU courses this semester? Yes No

49. If you answered yes for #48, indicate the delivery method which you are taking your other courses. Mark all that apply:

Traditional Classroom Interactive Instructional TV (IITV)
Cable Web/On-line

50. Are you returning to college after an absence of a year or more? Yes No

51. Are you a Flagstaff Campus student? Yes No

52. How far are you from either the NAU Flagstaff Campus or from a state-wide NAU site?

53. Prior to this semester, have you ever taken courses for credit at NAU? Yes No

54. Are you pursuing certification or a degree from NAU? Mark all that apply.

55. What class are you in?

56. List your major area of study:

57. What is the highest academic degree that you intend to obtain?

58. Is English your native language? Yes No

59. Are you: (Mark all that apply)

60. Have you ever taken an on-line/Web-based course before this course? Yes No

61. If you answered Yes for #60, please indicate where you took the course: