1. The instructor is interested in and enthusiastic about teaching.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

2. The instructor's use of supporting materials helps to get points across in class.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

3. This course is intellectually challenging.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

4. This course expands your knowledge of the subject covered.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

5. The instructor encourages students to express opinions.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

6. The instructor is receptive to new ideas and the viewpoints of others.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

7. The student has opportunities to ask questions.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

8. The instructor attempts to stimulate class discussion.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

9. The homework assignments are appropriate to the course material.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

10. The course is well organized.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

11. The instructor is competent in his\her area.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

12. The instructor is an effective teacher.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

13. The instructor is well-prepared.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

14. The instructor keeps the course moving at a steady pace.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

15. The instructor holds my attention.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

16. Help is available, during office hours or by appointment, when needed.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

17. I would take another course from this instructor.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

18. The evaluation procedure (assigning of grades) in this course is clear and consistent.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

19. The instructor stimulates my interest in the subject matter of this course.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

20. The instructor presents the material clearly.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

21. The instructor expresses his\her own ideas without necessarily imposing them on the students.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

22. The instructor summarizes or emphasizes major points.

strongly disagreedisagreeundecidedagree strongly agree

23. Of all the instructors you have ever had, where would you place this one in terms of ability to teach?

Bottom 20%;Next to bottom 20%;Average; Next to top 20%; Top 20%.
