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  SOC360 : The Class : Web Activity 1
Sociocultural Aging 


Web Activity 1: Using Search Engines

We will be using the World Wide Web as a resource for this course. This assignment will help you become acquainted with how to search the Web and how web pages are organized. For general information and tips on how to conduct a search on the web, click on the link below.

Tips for Searching the Web

Open your browser (Netscape, Explorer) and choose the "search" key. In the search line, type the phrase "sociocultural aging" Read the descriptions of the first ten items that come up.

Now try the same search using a different search engine (Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc). How are the results different?

Next, open one site that interests you and write a one-paragraph statement in your word processing program about what you found at the site and how it is organized. Were any of the sites you found related to aging? If not, how would you refine your search to find sites that deal with sociocultural aging?
Save your paragraph on a floppy for future reference for this course.

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