Frequently Asked Questions:

If this is your first web course, you should get familiar with Blackboard Vista. All coursework will be assigned within he Blackboard Vista shell, and all email needs to be sent through Blackboard Vista. You should look at the contents of Getting Started. It is on the homepage and the course menu to the left. You should also get to know this page. Feel free to click the icons or link titles and see what opens up.

Once you've explored the homepage and read getting started, you should read the syllabus. This too is accessible through the course menu and the homepage. Then you should open the study guide. The study guide is the heart of the course, and it will outline all the assignments.

How do I get into the course?
What do I call you?

Assigned Textbooks
How do I get computer help?
Do I really need to use a computer for this class?
My computer is slow! What do I do?
Do we have set class times?
When are assignments due?
Can I do work early?
Can I submit assignments late?
The videos don't work! What do I do?

How do I get into the course on the first day?
If you have never taken a web course using Blackboard Vista, please click here to watch a Quicktime video showing you how to start the course. If you don't have Quicktime on your computer, call the Academic Computing Help desk and ask them how to install Quicktime. The Academic Computing Help Desk phone number is: toll free 888-520-7215, local Flagstaff number - 523-9294.

What do I call you?
Students can never make a mistake by being formal with their professors. At a four year college or university, you should *always* call the professor "Dr." If the prof does not have a Ph.D., he or she will tell you. Using "Dr." also avoids the problem of is it Mr.? Miss? Ms? or Mrs.? Never call the the instructor's by his or her first name until he or she asks you to do so. (This goes for any boss or supervisor you have at any job!)

Do I need books for this course?
We will be using articles from several books and journals, and you may be assigned videos instead of reading articles. All assigned articles and videos will be availble on-line. However, I do recommend that you buy and read Worlds of a Maasai Warrior by Tepilit O. Saitoti (any edition). This book is available at the NAU bookstore or through any on-line book dealer.

How do I get computer help?
Call the Academic Computing Help Desk : toll free 888-520-7215, local Flagstaff number - 523-9294. Call them for help with your computer. They are least busy from 6 AM to about 10 AM. They are busiest in the evenings.

I don't like computers, do I need to use one for this web course?
(I have actually received this question). Yes, this course calls for using a variety of materials on the world wide web. If you don't like using computers, this might not be a good section of ANT 104 to be in. Several sectionsof traditional ANT 104 courses are offered on campus.

My computer is slow! What do I do?
Avoid using the NAU server in the evenings. It is always slow then, particularly if you're calling in from off campus. If you are using a dial up modem, you might want to use a Statewide computer lab. If you web courses every semester, you should consider getting a DSL line from your phone company or a internet service from your cable provider. If you live in a rural area, you might want to consider getting satellite service.

Do we have set class times?
No, work at your own pace. But, you must finish specified material every week. As you will see from the syllabus, there are suggested dates for working on a unit.

When are things due?
I will have a schedule showing when you should start each unit. You should finish each unit within two or three days. You should finish the week's work by Sunday evening so you can start again on Monday. All tests, quizzes, and assignments are due at the specified time, according to the NAU computer clock in Flagstaff. Note: time changes in October. Flagstaff is on Pacific Daylight Savings Time in the summer. Flagstaff is on Mountain Standard Time in the winter.

Can I do work early?
Yes. Even though the course schedule shows dates for working on the units, the units will be open early. Many statewide students work full-time and have to juggle their jobs, family, and course assignments.

Can I submit assignments late?
The biggest problem in a web course is that you are working alone and it is easy to fall behind. All essays have a 12-hour grace period. Any essays submitted within the grace period is considered to be on-time. Late essays will be accepted for up to one week after the due date. All quizzes and multiple coice tests will have a makeup open for 24-hours. Students who miss the regular quiz or test can take the makeup. Students who want to re-take a quiz or test to improve their score may take the makeup. A student's score will be the average of the attempts. All quizzes and multiple choice tests, and all assignments must be submitted before the last day of classes.

The videos don't work! What do I do?
This course has several assigned videos and virtual lectures (vLecs). Make sure you have the newest versions of Quicktime, Flash Player, and Widows Media Player. Call the help desk if you have problems. Toll free 888-520-7215, local Flagstaff number - 523-9294. They are least busy from 6 AM to about 10 AM. They are busiest in the evenings. Often they can trouble shoot. If you have a dial-up modem, you might want to go to the nearest Statewide lab to watch the videos.

Please email me through the class email system in Blackboard Vista if you have other questions. (SGS)

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