Introductory ...

Dr. Francis E. Smiley

Summer Sessions I and II
If LOUIE says the course is full, just email me for an override

No previous archaeology courses
or experience required ...

Click on the course names to see details ...

ANT 104
Lost Tribes and Buried Cities

Summer I: # 1503
Summer II: # 1504

Our deep past ...

The prehistory of the world looking at fascinating sites and remarkable artifacts.

Social and Political Worlds Liberal Studies Area

ANT 250
Doing Archaeology
Principles of Archaeology

Summer I: # 1506
Summer II: # 1507

See what students have to say about ANT 250, Doing Archaeology on the Web

How we find our deep past ...

Interactive, virtual archaeology in the jungles of the Maya.

How archaeologists work and do analysis ...

Science/Applied Science Liberal Studies Area