Chapters and articles published:

Blankenship, V., Vega, C. M., Ramos, E., Romero, K., Warren, K., Keenan, K., Rosenow, V., Vasques, J., & Sullivan, A. (2006). Using the multifaceted Rasch model to improve the TAT/PSE measure of need for achievement. Journal of Personality Assessment, 86(1), 100-114.

Blankenship, V.  (2003).  Psychosocial development of women.  In E. T. Breslin & V. A. Lucas (Eds.), Women’s Health Nursing. St. Louis , MO : Saunders, pp. 133-169.

Harrington, J. A., & Blankenship, V. (2002). Ruminative thoughts and their relation to depression and anxiety.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(3), 465-485.

Valentine, J. C., Blankenship, V., Cooper, H., & Sullins, E. S. (2001).  Interpersonal expectancy effects and the preference for consistency.  Representative Research in Social Psychology, 25, 26-33.

Blankenship, V., & Zoota, A. L.  (1998).  Comparing power imagery in TATs written by hand or on the computer and computing reliability. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 30, 441-448.

Westervelt, J. D., & Blankenship, V.  (1998).  Aversive racism versus source expectancy violations in the Elaboration Likelihood Model.  Representative Research in Social Psychology, 22, 42-52.

Small, C., Blankenship, V., & Whale, R.  (1997).  A computer simulation approach to ethnographic analysis.  Cultural Anthropology Methods ( CAM ) Journal, 9 (3), 1-8.

Blankenship, V., Tumlinson, J., & Sims, M. A.  (1995).  A STELLA-II teaching simulation of the dynamics of action model.  Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 27, 244-250.

Blankenship, V., Schorie, S. S., Shaw, A. J., & Tumlinson, J.  (1994).  Teaching the Rescorla-Wagner Model using STELLA-II.  Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 26, 128-133.

Blankenship, V.  (1992).   Individual differences in resultant achievement motivation and latency to and persistence at an achievement task.  Motivation and Emotion, 16, 35-63.

Blankenship, V.  (1987).  A computer-based measure of resultant achievement motivation.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 361-372.

Walker, D. E., Blankenship, V., Ditty, J. A., & Lynch, K. P.  (1987).  Prediction of recovery for closed-head-injured adults: An evaluation of the MMPI, the Adaptive Behavior Scale, and a "Quality of Life" rating scale.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 699-707. 

Blankenship, V.  (1986).  Uses of the computer in motivational psychology.  In D.R. Brown & J. Veroff (Eds.), Frontiers of motivational psychology (pp. 97-106). Berlin : Springer-Verlag.

Mason, A., & Blankenship, V.  (1986).  Power and affiliation motivation, stress, and abuse in intimate relationships.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 203-210.

Blankenship, V.  (1986).  Substitution in achievement behavior.  In J. Kuhl & J. W. Atkinson (Eds.), Motivation, thought, and action (pp. 186-202).  New York : Praeger. 

Blankenship, V.  (Summer 1986).  Cumulative consequences of computer hesitancy.  Women in Forestry, 8(2), 10-12.

Blankenship, V.  (1985).  The dynamics of intention.  In M. Freese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal-directed behavior:  The concept of action in psychology (pp. 161-170).   Hillsdale , NJ :  Erlbaum. 

Blankenship, V., Hnat, S. M., Hess, T. G., & Brown, D. R.  (1984).  Reciprocal interaction and similarity of personality attributes.   Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1, 415-432.   

Blankenship, V.  (1984).  Computer anxiety and self-concept of ability.  In R. Schwarzer (Ed.), The self in anxiety, stress, and depression (pp. 151-158).  Amsterdam :  Elsevier Science Publishers. 

Blankenship, V.  (1982).  The relationship between consummatory value of success and achievement task difficulty.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 911-924. Reprinted  in J. Kuhl & J. W. Atkinson (Eds.)  (1986), Motivation, thought, and action (pp. 159-185).  New York :  Praeger. 

Kuhl, J., & Blankenship, V.  (1979).  Behavioral change in a constant environment: Shift to more difficult tasks with constant probability of success.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 549-56l.

Kuhl, J., & Blankenship, V.  (1979).  The dynamic theory of achievement motivation: From episodic to dynamic thinking.  Psychological Review, 86,141-151.  Reprinted in J. Kuhl & J. W. Atkinson (Eds.) (1986).  Motivation, thought, and action (pp. 141-158).  New York :  Praeger. 

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