How proud they are to have made it this far;

There is much happiness;

Feel happy for each other graduating;

Experiencing happiness and accomplishment;

Feelings of pride, joy, happiness are being felt;

They enjoy the jogs they have together;

Brian won silver and is proud of his accomplishments;

Exercise always makes her feel better about herself;

Running just makes him feel good;

They will be satisfied;

The man is exhilarated;

They feel very proud of themselves;

Both were awarded scholarships;

The excitement is tremendous;

He will flip but recover laughing;

A satisfied feeling;

He loves the river;

Seth was having a blast;

He will be happy with himself;

They finish their research and both will be happy;

Mrs. Rollin is very impressed with James’ effort;

Tom will do the experiment fine and be totally relieved;

Ralph passes the test and becomes one of the elite scientists;

He succeeds and the teacher is proud of him;

It works and they get the Nobel Prize for they save millions of lives;

They will have a good outcome and get a bonus and raise;

They will reach the top and be victorious;

At the top they will celebrate;

Be proud;

Get to the top and experience the feeling of success;

He is loving the adrenalin rush;

Feel a sense of accomplishment;

There will be smiles on everyone’s faces;


Having the thrill of their lives;

They did such a good job that they become well known;

They reach the ground safely and are very proud of themselves;

They will be awarded 1st place in the competition;

The team won the championship;

The skydivers are just enjoying the free fall;

He finds the constellation and is very happy;

Star-gazing becomes a passion of hers;

He now works for NASA and is one of the top astronomers in the world;

The class will have another good experience to ad to their memories;

He is amazed by the sight;

He won’t be an astronaut yet but his dad will be proud of him;

He wakes up his parents with his celebratory yelling;

Jim sees the comet and his elation overwhelms him;

He was ecstatic;

He feel successful because he accomplished his goal;

He will be proud of his accomplishment;

He will be very pleased and show the paper to his parents, who praise him for his hard work;

Everyone will continue to be proud of him;

His parent will be happier and he in turn will be happier;

He is very pleased with his work;

She solves the problems with an inward feeling of joy;

She will be glad that she started ahead of time;

She feels like a winner;

Her parents are so proud;

She was ecstatic on the podium;

She is very happy with herself;

She is delighted that she has done well;

She feel good about her accomplishments;

Some will leave with their heads high;

Steve will win the race and his teammates will go crazy;

Lori will win the race amidst cheering from her family, friends, and coach;

She wins and celebrates;

The patient’s family is so happy;

Each individual will go home happy;

There is much relief by all present;

The doctors will be thankful;

Jessie feels great about herself;

The doctors were thrilled with the success;

The doctor will go home feeling a sense of accomplishment;