Sirayn Campaign

This campaign takes place in Greater Harad. In order to view some of the files that will be provided, you will need Acrobat Reader as well as the CC2 Viewer from I am the author of Greater Harad that was published by Iron Crown Enterprises when they had a license to publish Middle-earth materials. I will be expanding upon the material in Greater Harad and will place the additional information here as time allows. I also hope to include some background information from the Greater Harad module.


The current players include Gary McClellan, Bob McCarter, Christine Sapio and Jennifer Corrigan. Note that Bob McCarter and Gary McClellen are co-author's of the Nazgul's Citadel module from ICE.

The Setting

The sun was just coming up over the horizon as the small skiff wended its way along the bay in hopes of soon reaching Tul Harar. The crew would be very put out when they determined that the two had finally escaped, leaving the ship and remaining crew to answer to the ship that was now coming down on its intended victim. What awaited in Tul Harar was unknown as one of the men had never vistited this part of the south before and the other had not been here for years.

The campaign information that will be presented here revolves around the conflict between Charnesra and Tul Isra circa T.A. 1456 before the fall of Charnesra. Its my hope to supply CC3 versions of the city layouts of some of the cities of Sirayn as well as support files such as buildings, sewer systems, etc.


Support Files

An Introduction to Greater Harad

The Lands of Greater Harad


The following files were created in either CC2 or CC3. At a minimum you will need the CC2 file viewer. Jpeg versions will be coming soon.