An 18th Century Bug Out Bag

When heading out into the woods, it is important to to have all the supplies you'll need to make yourself a little more comfortable. When trekking, there is a minimal kit that I carry. Along with my knapsack, I will carry a small tarp, whatever clothing I need, and some food, even if I will be hunting for meat. Meat by itself, although tasty, just needs some things to go with it.


The knapsack shown here is an 18th century style. As you can see, the tin cup and corn boiler are tied to leather attachment points on the flap. Photos by Rhys Wilson, used with permission.


Not only do I like to carry a corn boiler that may be used for cooking most anything, but I also like to carry a frying pan for cooking up meat or veggies. The next picture shows the type of frying pan that I carry with other iems.


Some things that I carry:

I also carry a toiletry kit with a comb, toothbrush and toothpaste. A small first aid kit is also handy. The frying pan has a folding handle and you can cut a green branch as a handle extender. For provender, I'll carry bags of oats, parched corn, dried vegetables and fruit, possibly some pemican, some apples, and maybe a couple of potatoes and an onion, when on a trek. Don't forget water! Bring enough canteens to last your trip.

Fire starting kit

Flint and steel is a must, but you will also need char cloth and some tinder.

fire starting

I carry a candle stub, tow, the flint and steel in a brass box, and char cloth in a tin.

Sewing Kit

You never know what you will need to repair in the field.

sewing kit

Some things that I include in the kit:


You never know what you will need. Different people will have differend things that they will pack. When you trek, take a notebook with you and not only keep a journal of your trips but also make notes of things that you might want to bring with you.

I also carry a haversack with items in it that would have been carried by Scots military from the 18th century. You can check out my 42nd Regiment of Foot kit at

The following list by Mike Moore may also be used as a guide. Image used without permission. Yeah, I found it on a facebook group devoted to Buckskinning.

equipment list