Here's a picture of a young Rhys Michael with his mother...
Here is a picture of Rhys & Tieg with their Nanny.
You can reach Bill via email at Because of spammers I've put an _ in my email address. Change it to a dot.
Here is a picture of Bill fencing with a friend (NAU Aspin coordinator Gary McClellan). Bill is on the right.
If you like the medical field, these should interest you (note: you can see all the staples and the binding wire from bypass surgery...):
In case you don't know. These shots are from a cardiac cath session. If you look closely at the second picture you might be able to see the outline of Elvis. Didn't always want to know where he actually ended up? Heh.
In the Society for Creative Anachronism, William is known as Barwn Meistr Gwylym ab Owain, a Welsh military man from the Elizabethan period. He works as a Lieutenant over a company of shot and pike. He is also a provost of a school of defense. He is the Premiere of the Order of the White Scarf of Atenveldt, a member of the Order of the Eye of the Eagle. Gwylym was elevated to the Order of the Pelican on 9 Dec 1995. He is also a Laurel and a Master of Defense within the Society.
William is a former member of the Society of American Fight Directors.
He instructs stage combat and has choreographed for the Theatrikos Theater in
Flagstaff, AZ.