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HA340 : The Class : Management Issues : Purchasing : Interview Salesman
Interview Beer/Liquor Salesman

Make an appointment to talk with a local liquor or beer salesman in your area. Design an interview with at least ten questions that you will be asking the salesman All students are required to use the questions below. Design at least five more of your own interview questions to ask the salesman.

  1. What is the salesman's name? What company does he/she work for?
  2. How would you describe your personal sales philosophy?
  3. What advice would you give to a bar operator to get the most out of their sales representative?

Be sure to record the interview responses.
Write the questions, the responses and your impressions during the interview. Save on a floppy in your word processing program.

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Share Interview Results
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