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HA340 : The Class : Management Issues : Receiving + Issuing : Interview Manager
Interview Purchasing Manager

Make an appointment to talk with a purchasing manager at a local bar or hotel in your area. Design an
interview with at least ten questions that you will be asking the manager All students are required to use
the questions below. Design at least five more of your own interview questions to ask the salesman.

  1. What is the manager's name and the name of business, and official job title?
  2. How did you get into the management position?
  3. Did they learn there skills on the job or did you go to school?
  4. What is there biggest pet peeve with suppliers? Why?
  5. What words of wisdom about purchasing they would pass on to someone starting in the industry?

Be sure to record the interview responses.

Write the questions, the responses and your impressions during the interview. Save in your
word processing program.

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Share Interview Results
Go back to Receiving + Issuing