The Key Points of Service
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1st Law of Service : Service = Perception - Expectations
Customer Expectations
Accessibility Prompt and efficient
Courtesy Treat customers in a professional manner
Personal Attention
Empathy The ability to see and feel things from the guests' point of view
Job Knowledge
Teamwork A staff that works together and not one that tell them 'its not my job'
Perception: Preconceived notions of experiences, the items customers bring to the experience
Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service
1. Leave someone without a reply
2. Argue with a customer
3. Present an unprofessional look
4. Give incorrect information
5. Argue with a fellow worker where customers can see and / or hear you
6. Imply customers' needs are unimportant
7. Pass the Buck
2nd Law of Service : First Impressions Are Most Important
You only have one opportunity to make a good first impression. Care must be taken to ensure all aspects of interactions with guests are favorable. The host / hostess area will in many cases set the tone for the meal for the guest. A host / hostess that walks up to a couple, without introducing herself, or welcoming them to the operation, and simply says "TWO?" has set the tone for the evening as one of being impersonal.
Once you or the place that you work make a mistake it is hard to make it up to the guest since you have already let them down.
On the opposite side, the halo effect, a good initial reaction or interaction carriers over to further interactions and helps pave the way to a favorable experience.
3rd Law of Service A Service Oriented Attitude Alone Will Not Assure Good Service.
It is important that the delivery of customer service be supported by the infrastructure of the operation. Policies and procedures of the operation must support the delivery of customer service rather than stand in its way.
A formal review of all of the operation's policies and procedures should be done. Policies and procedures that do not enhance the guest experience or make it easier for staff to serve guests should either be eliminated or changed so that they do meet the above two criteria.
Company attitudes flow from the top down. It is not enough that managers preach customer service they must practice it also. Employees will listen to what management says, but follow more what management does. Management sets the tone for the operation by their behaviorss.
Further examples of a supportive infrastructure
Training needs to be ongoing so that it remains effective.
Staffing levels must be maintained at levels that will provide great service to guests.
Management must pledge ongoing support to customer service efforts for them to be a success.
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