Zachary A. Smith 

 zachary.smith  at




Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1984

M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1979

B.A., California State University, Fullerton, 1976


Teaching Experience


1989-present, Northern Arizona University (Regents Professor)

1986‑1989, University of Hawaii, Hilo

1985‑1986, Ohio University

1982‑1985, University of Hawaii, Hilo

1980‑1982, University of California, Santa Barbara


A variety of courses taught in everything from small graduate seminars to large introductory lectures in Public Administra­tion, Public Policy and American Politics.  Substantive expertise in Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Administration.  Courses most often taught Include: Environmental Policy, Environmental Law, Implementation, Intergovernmental Relations, Natural Resources Policy and Administration, Public Policy, Policy Analysis and Evalua­tion and State and Local Government.


Publications and Research




The Environmental Policy Paradox, Fifth Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2009).


Globalization (Contemporary World Issues) with- Justin Ervin, (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press, 2008)


Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources (Contemporary World Issues) with- Katrina Taylor, (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press, 2008)


Environmental Politics and Policy in the West , with John Freemuth (editors), (Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2007).



Protecting Our Environment  Lessons from the European Union, with  Janet R. Hunter, (Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2005).


Ocean Politics and Policy  (Contemporary World Issues) with- Peter Jacques, (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press, 2003)


Freshwater Issues  (Contemporary World Issues) with Grenetta Thomassey Fink (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press, 2003)


The Environmental Policy Paradox, Fourth Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004).


The National Environmental Policy Act: Judicial Misconstruction, Legislative Indifference & Executive Neglect, with Matt Lindstrom, (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 2001).



Groundwater Management in the West, with Jeff Ashley, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999). [Nominated for the 2000 American Political Science Association’s Lynton Caldwell Award for the best book on environmental policy for the pervious five years.  Also nominated for the Policy Studies Organization Aaron Wildavsky award for best policy study book for the year 2000.]


Hawai'i Politics and Government: An American State and a Pacific Society, with Richard Pratt, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000).  This is part of Nebraska’s state politics series being edited by John Kincaid. [Nominated for The Organization of American Historians 2001 ELLIS W. HAWLEY PRIZE for the best book‑length historical study of the political economy, politics, or institutions of the United States.]


The Environmental Policy Paradox, Third Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000). [This book is used in more than 200 universities in the US.]


Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, Second Edition. (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996).   


The Environmental Policy Paradox, Second Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995).


Environmental Politics and Policy in the West, (Editor), (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1993).


Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993). 


The Environmental Policy Paradox, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992).


Politics and Public Policy in Hawaii, edited with Richard Pratt (Smith is the senior or lead editor) (Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1992).


Aloha County: The Hawaii Local Government Simulation, Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1992. 


Water and the Future of the Southwest, (Editor), (Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1989).


Groundwater in the West, (San Diego: Academic Press, 1989).



Groundwater Policy in the Southwest (El Paso, Univer­sity of Texas ‑ Texas Western Press, 1985).


Interest Group Interaction and Groundwater Policy Formation in the Southwest (Maryland: University Press of America, 1985).


Books in Progress


Energy Politics and Policy (Under contract to ABC-CLIO Press for 2006 delivery).


Environmental Policy in the West, (Editor) Under contract to University of Colorado Press.


U.S. Public Policy in an International Context (Under contract with Prentice Hall for 2006 develery).


Ecosystem Management: Failure and Promise in Land Management Reform  ( under contract at Texas A&M Press).




Articles and Book Chapters


“Estimating Value in Water Resources Management: What Is Water Worth?” with Kira Russo Bauer, Water International. Volume 32, Number 5, Pg. 877-888, 2007, Supplemental Issue..


        "Comparative Groundwater Management: Findings from an Exploratory Global Survey,"   With John  Sagala in Water International. June 2008, Vol. 33, Issue 2.


        “Human Rights to Water”, with Kristi L. Ross in Handbook of Globalization and the EnvironmentKhi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, and Jerrell D. Coggburn, editors, (Taylor and Francis/ CRC Press: 2007).


Transborder Air Pollution”, with Katrina Darlene Taylor in Handbook of Globalization and the EnvironmentKhi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, and Jerrell D. Coggburn, editors, (Taylor and Francis/ CRC Press: 2007).


        “Teaching Public Administration” Public Money and Management, pp. 14-15, May 2005


“George W. Bush and Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Policy”, with John Kemoli Sagala  in A Bird in the Bush, Dowling Campbell (editor) (New York, NY: Algora Publishing, 2005).


“Bush and the Environment”, with Jaina L. Moan in A Bird in the Bush, Dowling Campbell (editor) (New York, NY: Algora Publishing, 2005).


“Water development in the West”, Water Resources Impact 6(2) (2004)   pp 10-13.


“Interstate and International Competition for Water Resources: Revisiting A Groundwater Management Issue Fifteen Years later,” Journal of International Water Resources – Water International. VOL .27 , No.4, DECEMBER 2002


“Western Groundwater Wars,” FORUM for Applied Research and Public Policy, Spring 2001, pp. 33-39.


“Arizona Government and Politics” in Uniting a Diverse Arizona, Town Hall Background Paper, State of Arizona, Phoenix Arizona, December 1999.


“Hawaii House Speakers” (various) in James Roger Sharp and Nancy Weatherly  Sharp (ed.), American Legislative Leaders in the West, 1911-1994 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997).


ARethinking the Internationalization of Environmental Interest Groups: A Regime Approach to Behavior,@ with Robert L. Jones, Resources Policy, Vol. 21 No. 1, (1995), pp. 5-12.


"Bureau of Land Management", "Anne G. Burford",  "Environmental Defense Fund" in The Encyclopedia of Conservation and Environmentalism, 1994.


"Understanding Affirmative Action: From The Practitioner's Perspectives on Political Science" with Joseph Michael Pace, Public Personnel Management Summer 1995.


"Risk Analysis and Drinking Water: What is `Safe'" with Jeff Ashley for, Science, Technology and Policy, Dennis Soden, editor.



"Managing Groundwater in the Western United States: Lessons for India," in Groundwater Law: The Growing Debate, (Ahmedabad, India:   Vikram Sarabhai Center for Development Interaction, 1994).



"The Arizona Environmental Experience" in Second Opening of the West: Ideas of Nature in Arizona Greg McNamee (Editor), (Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Humanities Council, 1993).


"Introduction" Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, Zachary Smith, (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993). [All chapters in the volume are refereed by external reviewers.]


"Social Welfare Policy in Arizona" with Connie Brooks, Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, Zachary Smith, (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993).   


"Environmental Policy in Arizona" with Martin Moore, Public Policy and Politics in Arizona, Zachary Smith, (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993).  


"Water Management in ArizonaPublic Policy and Politics in Arizona, Zachary Smith, (Editor), (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993).   


"Water and Pork in the West," Environmental; Politics and Policy in the West, Zachary Smith (Editor), (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1993).


"Water and Federalism in the 1990s," Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 1 (Summer 1992).


"Coping With Cutbacks in Park and Recreation Administ­ration: Priorities, Innovation and Mobilizing Interest Groups" John D. Hutcheson, Francis P. Noe, and Robert E. Snow, (editors), Outdoor Recreation Policy: Pleasure and Preservation, (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990).


"The Policy Environment", "Introduction", "Results and Conclusion" in Zachary Smith, (editor), Water and the Future of the Southwest, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989).


"Interstate and International Competition for Water Re­sources," Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 5 (October 1987).


"Management Options During Periods of Fiscal Const­raint: Mobilizing Interest Groups" in Policy Studies Review, Vol. 7 No. 2 (November 1987).


"Competition for Water Resources: Issues in Federal­ism," Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 1987).


"Stability Amid Change in Federal‑State Water Rela­tions," Capital University Law Review, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Spring 1986).


"Federal Intervention in the Management of Groundwater Resources," Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 15, No. 1, p. 145 (Winter 1985).



"Centralized Decision making in the Administration of Ground­water Rights: The Experience of Arizona, Calif­ornia and New Mexico and Suggestions for the Future."  Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 24, p. 641 (July 1984).


"Rewriting California Groundwater Law: Past Attempts and Prerequisites to Reform," California Western Law Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, p. 223 (1984).


"The Selection of Cabinet Officers and Other Political Executives" with Dean E. Mann, The International Journal of Political Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 211 (1981).


"State Class Action Notification Requirements After Eisen," Western State Law Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 1 (Fall 1980).



Other Publications and Research and Consulting Work


"Methodological Assessment: Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Assessment for Northern Arizona" (1990).


"Improvements to the Williams Ski Area" co-author, (1991)


"Arizona" in Thomas Patterson, The American Democracy, (McGraw-Hill: Cambridge, 1991).


Authored or co-authored the following entries for Encyclopedia USA


"Coastal Zone Management Act"


"Colorado River Commission"

"Columbia River Treaty"

"Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act"

"Connally `Hot Oil' Act"

"National Conservation Commission"

"Cooperative Forest Management Act of 1950"

"U.S. Army Corps of Engineers"


And for: International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics


"Common Pool/Property Resources"

"Conservation Movement"



"Groundwater Management in the Silver State," Nevada Rancher, Vol. XV.

No. 10‑12 (3 issues) (1985).


"Groundwater," Nevada Rancher, Vol. XV, No. 11 (1985).


"Groundwater Management in Nevada," Nevada Rancher, Vol. XV, No.

12 (1985).


Book Reviews


Melvin Melosi- Effluent America for the Kentucky Historical Society Journal, June 2002

Seth Dunn Micropower: The Next Electrical Era, for Perspectives on Political Science.


Dennis L. Soden (editor)  The Environmental Presidency, for Environment, Jul/Aug2000, Vol. 42 Issue 6


Terry Anderson and Peter Hill (editors) Environmental Federalism, for Perspectives on Political Science, Winter 1999.


Mary Clifford (editor), Environmental Crime: Enforcement, Policy, and Social Responsibility for Law and Politics Book Review (American Political Science Association). 1999.


Rodney R. White, North, South, and the Environmental Crisis, for Human Ecology, 1994.


Peter Self, Government By Market?  The Politics of Public Choice, for Perspectives on Political Science, 1994.


John D. Graham, editor, Harnessing Science for Environmental Regulation, for Rivers, 1992.


Robert Gottlieb and Margaret FitzSimmons, Thirst for Growth: Water Agencies as Hidden Government in California, for American Political Science Review, 1992.


David Lewis Feldman, Water Resources Management: In Search of an Environmental Ethic, for American Political Science Review, 1992. 


Helen Ingram, Water Politics: Continuity and Change, for Pacific Historical Review, 1991.

Norman Vig and Michael Kraft, (eds.), Environmental Policy in the 1990s, for Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, January 1991


Henry C. Kinski, Saving the Hidden Treasure, for American Political Science Review, March 1991.


Henry C. Kinski, Saving the Hidden Treasure, for Policy Currents, January 1991.


Naomi B. Lynn and Aaron Wildavsky, (eds.), Public Administration: The State of the Discipline, for Perspectives on Political Science.


John Opie, The Law of the Land: 200 Years of American Farm Policy, for Policy Perspectives on Political Science.


John S. Lewis and Ruth A. Lewis, Space Resources: Breaking the Bounds of Earth, for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 498 (July 1988).



Brack Brown and Richard J. Stillmann III, A Search for Public Administration: The Ideas and Career of Dwight Waldo, for Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 5, No. 5 (Sept./Oct. 1986).


John Clark, Beaches of the Big Island, for Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, Hawaii Tribune‑Herald, 28 December 1986.


David Vogel, National Styles of Regulation: Environ­mental Policy in Great Britain and the United States, for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (November 1987).


Pietro S. Nivola, The Politics of Energy Conserva­tion, forThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (November 1987).


Jonathon Porritt, Seeing Green: The Politics of Ecology Explained for The Review of Politics, Vol. 48, No. 2 (Spring 1986), p. 312.



Joan DeBardeleben, The Environment and Marxism ‑ Leninism: The Soviet and East German Experience for The Review of Politics, Vol. 48, No. 2 (Fall 1986).


     George C. Eads and Michael Fix, Relief or Reform?: Reagan's Regulatory    Dilemma, for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social  Science, Vol. 485 (Summer 1986).


     Martin V. Melsoi, Coping with Abundance: Energy and Environ­ment in Industria lAmerica for Social Science Quarterly(1986)

Serge Taylor, Making Bureaucracies Think: The Environ­mental Impact Statement Strategy of Administrative Reform for Social Science Journal (July 1986).


Robert Durant, When Government Regulates Itself: The EPA and TVA, for Journal of Politics (1986).


For additional information please contact Dr. Smith