English 305w, Syllabus
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
1 August 30/ Tuesday Rhetorical Principles THE ONLY DAY YOU DO NOT NEED TO COME TO CLASS PREPARED.

Introduction to Course
Introduction to Peers


September 01/ TH


If you are unfamiliar with WebCT-Keep Friday mornings available for WebCT consultation. Rhetoric (online)
Start Reading from Module 1 (Lecture Theme; Ethos)

What is Rhetoric?

A Brief History of Rhetoric
The Argument

Additional Work for Further Study
Rhetoric (Stanford)

Lecture: Rhetoric
In-Class Writing/Discussion
2 September 06/ T

Medical and Social Work
Rhetorical Principle: Ethos
Writing Emphasis: Audience and Purpose

Audience and Purpose (Lecture Theme)
Rhetorical Principle (Ethos)
Cox, P. "Will Tribal Knowledge Survive the Millenium?" (Cline Reserves)

Self-Assessment Paper Due
(see Module 1 in WebCT)

Notes from Reading

Multiple Intelligences (become familiar with the terms)

Student Presentations

Lecture: 7 Multiple Intelligences

  September 08/ TH Hurdel, D. "Native Hawaiian Tradtional Healing" (Cline Reserves)
Karthas, N. "When Children Have A.I.D.S." (Cline Reserves)

Notes from Reading

Response Paper 1 (hard copy)

Student Presentations
3 September 13/ T



"AIDS Definition Expanded" Nursing. (Cline Reserves)

IAS Conference Website
AEGIS Website

  Student Presentations
  September 15/ TH Soloman, H. (1992, Sep/Oct). Magic Johnson. (Cline Reserves)
AIDSArms LifeWalk Website

Notes from Reading

Rhetorical Analysis-Reading Due
(see Module 1 in WebCT)

Student Presentations
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
4 September 20 / T Peace Week // Language and Action


"We the Peoples" Website
"Culture of Peace" Website

Notes from Websites Student Presentations
  September 22/ TH   "Roots and Shoots" Website
PeaceCorps Website

Notes from Websites

Rhetorical Analysis-
Websites Due

(see Module 1 in WebCT)

Student Presentations
5 September 27/ T   "Linus Pauling Interview" (best if you have access to a computer with sound and video)
"U.S. Institute of Peace"


Response Paper 2 (hard copy)

Student Presentations
  September 29/ TH WEBCT Reading images and sound
Review clips from Module 1: Women Physicians and Heart Surgery
(Choose "Nancy Jasso"-3rd from top, right hand corner).


Discuss the video clip online.
6 October 04/ T Environment and Social Consequence
Rhetorical Principle:Logos
Writing Emphasis: Document Design
NO READINGS DUE! /Note: Your proposal is due in 1 week/ come to class Rachel Carson Video
  October 06/ TH   Williams, Robin. "Chapters 1-2." Non-Designer's Design Book.

Notes from Reading

Article Paper Due
(see Module 2 in WebCT)

Student Presentations
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
7 October 11/ T Conferences No F2F Class


Proposal Due
(see Module 2 in WebCT)

Bring proposal with you to the conference

  October 13/ TH  

Williams, Robin. "Chapters 3-5." Non-Designer's Design Book.
Massachusetts Science Fair
How To (for High School) Website
USGS, Website (pdf)

U.S. Census Bureau "Facts" Website

  Student Presentations
8 October 18/ T Music and Culture
Rhetorical Principle: Pathos
Writing Emphasis:Sentence Control
Wadsworth Handbook - Reviewing and Mastering
"Chapter 9" - Specifically pp 160-166.


WebCT Discussion

Response Paper 3 (hard copy)

Student Presentations
  October 20/ TH No Class, darn. I am away at a conference.

Prepare for the Quiz

Areas Covered on quiz: Rhetorical Principles, C.R.A.P. Principles, Audience.

Quiz / Please complete by Sunday, 10 p.m. WebCT
9 October 25/ T   Wadsworth Handbook - Reviewing and Mastering
"Chapter 9" - Specifically pp 167-181

Student Presentations


  October 27/ TH   Wadsworth Handbook - Reviewing and Mastering
"Chapter 9" - Specifically pp 182-190.
Response Paper 4 (hard copy)  
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
10 November 01/ T   Wadsworth Handbook - Reviewing and Mastering
"Chapter 10 " - Specifically pp 191-203.

Student Presentations


  November 03/ TH   Wadsworth Handbook -
Chapter 42
Chapter 44

Student Presentations


11 November 08/ T Conferences Nothing. See you at the Conference.

Progress Report
(see Module 3 in WebCT)
Bring progress report with you to the conference.


  November 10/ TH   Prompt on WebCT WebCT Discussion /
12 November 15/ T Science and Ethics
Writing Emphasis: Workplace Writing
Pearsall, T.E., et al. Persuasion and the Scientific Argument (Cline Reserves)
Wadsworth Handbook - Chapter 28. (Note: p. 624)
  November 17/ TH   Wadsworth Handbook - Chapter 28. Memo 1 Due
(see Module 3 in WebCT)
  Week and Date Theme What to have Read What to have Done What We'll Do
13 November 22/ T WEBCT

Draft of Presentation Due
(see Module
4 in WebCT)

No Class
14 November 29/ T  


Final Presentations

  December 31/ TH  


Final Presentations

15 December 06/ T  


Final Presentations


  December 08/ TH  


Final Presentations

Paper 5:
Final Paper/Project/Presentation Outline Due

(see Module 5 in WebCT)

Finals   Good Luck Have a Good Holiday.