Ph.D.: Rutgers Univeristy
M.A.: University of Cincinnati
B.A. : University of Cincinnati
Professional Experience:
Current Position: Professor of History and Associate Chair; Northern
Arizona University
Full-time teaching and research position with responsibility
for teaching courses in History of England to 1700; the Middle
Ages in Western Europe; World Systems East-West 1200-1600; 1000
Years of War and Peace; the Crusades; Western Civilization to
1700; and various topical courses. Also, administration of LCE
grant to establish the History Learning Lab (2005-2006).
My current research interests include the medievalism of C.S.
Lewis and Henry Adams; public opinion in the middle ages; issues
of war and peace from the era of the crusades to the present;
the idea of the crusades in history and the imagination; 19th
and 20th century medievalism in England and America. In the summer
of 2005, I will be teaching at the center for Medieval and Renaissance
Studies at Cambridge, England, July 10 - August 12th.
Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships:
LCE Grant - ABOR, 2005-2006
C.S. Lewis Center Scholarship, Summer 2002 for Oxbridge
American Council on Education Fellow, 1986 - 1987
NEH Fellow - Summer 1983
Department of Education - International Studies Grant, West Virginia
University, 1980-1983
Sabbatical Leave Grant, West Virginia University, 1977
Summer Research Grant, West Virginia University, 1977
Lane Fellow for Dissertation Research 1965-1967
Teaching Assistantships, 1962-1965 (Cincinnati and Rutgers)
Honors in Education:
Golden Key Honor Society - Outstanding Service Award, West Virginia
University, 1962
Order of the Mountain - Outstanding Service to the University
Award, 1979
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Alpha Theta
B.A. with Honors
Educational and Higher Ed. Administration Employment:
Professor of History, Northern Arizona University, 1995 - Present
Provost, Northern Arizona University, 1995-1999
Senior VP for Academic Affairs, University of South Alabama, 1991-1995
Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, ASU West, 1988-1990
Director, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ASU West, 1987-1988
ACE Fellow, Arizona State University, 1986-1987
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University,
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University,
Assistant to Associate Professor of History, West Virginia University,
Instructor, Rutgers University, 1965-1967
Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, 1963-1965
Teaching Assistant, University of Cincinnati, 1962-1963
Most Recent Professional Service:
Administrator, LCE Grant, 2005-Present
Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, 2005-Present
Member, Council of Native Americans, Northern Arizona University,
Member, Honor Program Honorary Council, Northern Arizona University,
Member, Freshman Year Task Force, Northern Arizona University,
Member, Arizona Faculties Coucil and Faculty of Stakeholders Group,
2003 - Present
Chair, Faculty Grievance Committee, 2005 - Present
Chair, Senate Budget Council, 2005 - Present
Member, University Planning Committe, 2003-2004; 2005
Publications, Research and Scholary Presentations:
Books and Monographs:
Vox Populi, Vox Dei: Public Opinion in the High Middle Ages
(book manuscript in progress)
The Worlds of Medieval Women, Co-Editor and Contributor;
West Virginia University Press, 1985.
Literary and Historical Perspectives of the Middle Ages,
Co-Editor, Contributor; West Virginia University Press, 1982.
Proceedings, Annual Meeting of National Academic Advising
Association, Co-Editor (1982); Managing Editor (1983).
"The Middle Ages in the Quest for National Identity: England
and France Compared," in Proceedings RMESC, 2004
(June 2005).
Articles on "Cumis." Marco Polo, Almaligh, and William
of Rubrick in Encyclopedia of Medieval Trade, Exploration
and Discovery, 1998.
Review of Sappho's Immortal Daughters, in Historian,
"Images of the Mongols Over Time and Space," paper,
34th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies,
Hong Kong, August, 1993.
"The Changing Role of Crusade Preaching int he 13th century,
From Lyon I to Lyon II," in Festschrift for E.W.
A Review of Penny Cole, The Preaching of the Crusades,
in Speculum (1992).
"A Neglected Aspect of the Study of Popular Culture; 'Public
Opinion' in the Middle Ages," 1991, in Edward Peters, ed.
Folk Life in the Middle Ages, a special issue of Medieval
Perspectives (Publication of the Southeastern Medieval Association),
vol III, no. 2, pp. 38-66.
"Propaganda," in Dictionary of the Middle Ages,
Editor-in-Chief, Joseph R. Strayer (Charles Scribner's; N.Y.,
1998), vol. x, 137-46.
"In a Different Voice: Heloise and the Self-Image of Women
of the 12th Century," in The Worlds of Medieval Women:
Creativity, Influence and Imagination (West Virginia University
Press, 1985), 24-40.
"The Individual and 12th Century Society: A Resource Guide
for Teachers," Introduction and section on Chronicles,
as well as the statement of overall conceptual framework, in
Resource Book for the Teaching of Medieval Civilization
(National Endowment for the Humanities: Mound Holyoke College,
"Two for the Seesaw: Balancing Researching and Academic
Advising," NACADA Journal, 4 (1984), 1-5.
"Pro- and Anti-Crusade Propaganda: An Overview,"
in Literary and Historical Perspectives of the Middle Ages
(1982), 208-220.
"Helping Marginal Students Improve Academic Performance
Through Self-Management Techniques." Co-author, NACADA
Journal, 1(1981), 44-52.
"Attitude and Development as Factors in the Learning of
History," AHA Newsletter (Fall 1979), 6-10.
"Ongoing Orientation to a University," in Supplement
to ACT Advising Handbook (Spring 1979).
"Guided Design: A Teaching-Learning Approach Which Focuses
on Student Decision-Making Skills." Social Studies Journal,
VII (1978), 4-12.
"Western View of the Origin of the Tartars: An Example
of the Influence of Myth in the Second Half of the 13th Century,"
Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 3 (1973),
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