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HA270 : Instructor
<Galen Collins,Ph.D

Galen Collins, Ph.D.

"In the confrontation between the stream & the rock,
the stream always wins... not through strength,
but through persistence." Successories

Welcome to my cyber home. I am a professor and associate dean at NAU's School of Hotel and Restaurant Management. I joined the faculty in 1987. I teach a web-based course entitled Hospitality Information Technology II. Listed below are my teaching and technology philosophies, useful and educational Web links, and information on how to reach me. Visit Galen's Virtual Office.

Staying in Touch with Galen

Office Location: Executive Director's Office
Telephone: 928-523-7333
Mailing Address: NAU Box 5638, Flagstaff, AZ 86011
E-mail Address:

Favorite Albert Einstein Quote

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Teaching Philosophy

Managing the learning process is an educator's most important responsibility. This is clearly reflected in mark Van Doren's statement: "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." Teachers must search for new tools to promote effective learning. Teachers must be open to new teaching methods and techniques.

Technology Philosophy

The Hospitality industry is quickly becoming automated, making it imperative for a person wishing to enter the hospitality industry to be trained to deal with a pioneering and ever-changing industry. As in other types of industry, manpower is being replaced daily by machine power and the only people who will survive in an automated society are those who are familiar with the technology propelling it forward. But it is wise to remember that, as useful as sophisticated computer systems are, the hospitality industry is first and foremost a people business. A computer cannot replace the warmth and personal attention from a well-trained employee.

Check Out these Web Links

Galen's Biography
Hospitality News Trends and Facts
Research on Lodging Operations
Hospitality Information Technology Association
Internet News
Business and Technology Research
Hospitality Information Technology:Learning How to Use It by Collins and Malik
CNN Interactive
Information Week
The Weather Channel
APA Style Resources
Travelocity by Sabre
Career Information
Newspapers from Around the World
Discovery Channel
Pictures of Galen's Caribbean Cruise

Favorite Search Engine:Google

HA 270 Online Course Downloadable Software Free E-mail and Web Sites

Send E-mail to Galen Collins
or call (928) 523-7333

Web site created with the NAU OTLE Faculty Studio


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