Module 7: Developmental Discipline
- Articulate personal beliefs about the strengths and weaknesses of historic discipline models, suggesting solutions and roadblocks to reform.
- Integrate literature and research on best practice with personal experiences in using discipline, including:
- value of structure
- classroom rules
- praise and rewards
- meeting basic needs
- positive climate
- conflict resolution
- role of teacher structure
- punishment
- balancing being/doing
- handling emotions
- paradoxical nature of control,
safety, growth, power.
- explicating norms
- communications
- student self management
- school as community
- individualizing instruction
- Formulate a model that describes ways classrooms differ when emphasis is on content, student role or teacher role, including impact on discipline techniques, learning, evalutaion.
- After reviewing Developmental Discipline techniques appropiate to your students' and grade level developmental age, describe programming processes for initiating and maintaing Developmental Discipline, including:
- value of structure
- levels of moral reasoning
- rules, procedures
- communication skills
- the whole child (PEPSI)
- role of teacher
- stress and anger management
- Values Rules and practices
- role of students
- Develop a set of practices for enhancing classroom, directed at balancing student needs with teacher needs, and covering content while honoring individual ability.
- Using the suggestions in Developmental Discipline, make a plan of action for integrating a community spirit in the classroom, utilizing techniques that are consistent with developmental ages.
- Review the material on Developmental Discipline and adapt at least three suggested hallmark practices into your own repertoire.
Honor board
Self monitoring
Values Practices
Honor Board
Consequences Team
Self monitoring
Personal contract
Self monitoring
Personal goal sheet
Personal contract
Self monitoring
Services to others
- Successfully navigate the net, gaining course based and extraneous information through competent net conferencing, chatting and net surfing.
Pro-Active Management
Dev. Disc. Intro |
On-line reading |
25 points |
1 |
Discipline |
Review readings -or- Read first time 16@ 15pts |
100 points 240 points |
2 2 |
Content - proc/prod |
On-line reading |
50 points |
3 |
Process Ed |
On-line reading |
25 points |
3 |
Individ/Inclusion |
On-line reading |
50 points |
5 |
Individualizing |
On-line reading |
50 points |
5 |
Career Development |
On-line reading |
25 points |
3 |
DD Level I |
On-line reading |
50 points |
4,6 |
DD Level II |
On-line reading |
50 points |
4,6 |
DD Level III |
On-line reading |
50 points |
4,6 |
DD Level IV |
On-line reading |
50 points |
4,6 |
Pro-active |
. |
50 points |
5 |
Assignment One |
Process/Product task |
25+points |
3 |
Assignment Two |
a) Study Blocks
b) Study 7 skill areas
25 points 25 points |
4,5,6 4,5,6 |
Assignment Three |
Lesson Plan - proc/prod
ii)Student monitoring
iii) Report card
50 points 25 points 25 points 25 points |
4,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6 |
Assignment Three |
Seven intelligences |
50 points |
4,5,6 |
Assignment Four |
Teaching role |
25+points |
3 |
Assignment Five |
Developmental Discipline |
100 points |
7 |
Final |
. |
100 points |
. |
Chat room |
Chat at NAU @ 25 pts. |
75 pts. max |
8 |
Chat |
On the web @ 25 pts. |
50 pts. max |
8 |
Pro-active discipline
Business and education
1 minute essay
25 points 50 points 10 points |
8 8 1 |
. |
1375 points |
. |
One credit hour |
. |
1000 points |
. |
Grading: You have a choice in the grade you will recieve. As outlined in the syllabus, there are three grades possible for completion of the material. One credit hour is earned, once you have earned 1000 points. The grade of B is given if all assignments are completed satisfactorily. To recieve this grade, please contact the professor upon completion of all assignments.
To recieve an A, you will want to find a way to extend your learning. Once you have decided on a project that is appealing to you, send a brief summary of the activity. Upon completion of the "A" project, please send documentation of the project to the professor and request a final grade.
Extending Learing: Insights or reading behavior modification, punishment, discipline pros and cons. Read books or articles by Kohn, Rogers, Maslow, Jones, Dreikurs, Glasser.
This module is divided into 4 topics. To complete
this Module successfully, please complete the topics in the order shown
This is the last module of the class.
Go back to Behavioral Management in Special Education
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

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Northern Arizona University