Unit 8

  English 201: 
  Masterpieces of Western Literature
.Unit 8 Reading Course Reading Entry Page
Introduction Background .Explication Questions Review


Short Answers: E-mail your answers.  Make sure the subject line says: unit08.
  1. Autolykos is Antikleia's father & therefore the grandfather to OD.  His name means "lone wolf" & he is the man who named OD (trouble/odium).  Which Olympian is Autolykos dedicated to, apparently with great approval, for:

  2. The god acted as his accomplice. (19.427)
  3. In the test of the bow, one person has the power to string it:

  4. A fourth try, & he had it all but strung--
    when a stiffening in OD made him check [his effort]
    Who is this?
  5. Melanthios (the goat herd) defects to the "cause" or side of the suitors, supplying them arms that were hidden by TEL.  What happens to Melanthios?
  6. When OD is dealing justice with his bow, 2 suppliants ask for mercy.  One is a diviner who acted as something like a chaplain to say grace & otherwise contribute at least the semblance of piety to the nightly parties conducted by the suitors.  The other is a musician who said he was forced to play for the suitors.  What happens?  Does OD execute both or spare both or what?
  7. Who is "King Allwoes' only son.  My name is Quarrelman"?  Who is the speaker addressing when he makes this claim?
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