In this topic you will learn about some of the essential things you will need to incorporate into a written technical document to make it clear, concise, coherent, and correct, as well as effective. Go through all of the assignments, and read through each reading assignment.
To complete this Topic successfully, please complete the following activities in the order shown below:
TEXTBOOK READING: Read Chapters 1 and 13, "Information in Action"
INTERACTIVE PREVIEW: Interactive Preview of Course
ON-LINE LESSON: Topic Overview (Interactive)
ON-LINE LESSON: Learn about the 4 Cs
ASSIGNMENT 1: Writing a Resume
ASSIGNMENT 2: Write a Letter of Application
GROUP ASSIGNMENT 1: Sign in and Explore the VCC
WEB ACTIVITY 1: Explore WWW for Technical Writing
Go on to Situations in Technical Communication
Go back to The Rhetoric Module Page
E-mail Greg Larkin at
or call (520) 523-4911
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Northern Arizona University