Need for the project
Project Design
Project Services
Key Personnel
Management Plan
Evaluation Plan
Quality of the Evaluation Plan

Goals and Objectives


Area of Responsibility

1. To support school reform by strengthening an existing network of schools on the Navajo Nation which provide exemplary community based programs for LEP students.


1.1. Bilingual fellows, mentor teachers and non-project teachers from consortium schools will participate in the Learn in Beauty Summer Institute

Institute Evaluation Survey

Summer Institute Director

1.2 Cohorts of Bilingual Fellows will include participants from each consortium site


Project Director

1.3 Exemplary practice will be indetified and disseminated

Assessment Survey

Project Director

2. To implement a curriculum aligned with state and national content area standards which reflect the Diné Philosophy of Education

Assessment Survey

Project Director

2.1. Bilingual fellows and mentor teachers will participate in developing Navajo language and culture curriculum.

Assessment Survey

Project Director

2.2. Community issues and values will be integrated into thematic units.

Assessment Survey

Project Director

2.3. The Diné Learning Framework will serve as the foundation for curriculum development.

Assessment Survey

Project Director

3. To support new bilingual teachers in their first years of teaching.


3.1. New bilingual teachers will work with a mentor teacher onsite.

Assessment Survey


3.2. The rate of teacher turnover will decline at each consortium site

Personnel records


3.3. New bilingual teachers will demonstrate superior classroom performance.

Teacher Evaluation Measure


3.4. The number of endorsed Navajo bilingual teachers will increase in each consortium district

Personnel records


3.5. The number of teachers holding an M. Ed. will increase in each consortium district

Personnel records


3.6. Bilingual teachers will increase participation in professional organizations.

Assessment Survey

Project Director

A yearly program review will be conducted by the program director and will consist of a review of course evaluations, student performance data, endorsements and graduate degrees obtained. This review will report on the number of graduates placed in the instructional setting. This review will identify successful components of the project; exemplary classroom practice, Navajo language teaching materials, and will disseminate information about these successful components to all project participants.

Program Context Indicators


Area of Responsibility

Bilingual Endorsements

Fall 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

Project Director

M.Ed. Degrees

Fall 2001, 2002, 20003

Project Director

BME Exit Surveys

Summer 2001, 2002, 2003

Project Director

Assessment Survey

May 1999-2003

Mentor Teachers, Principals, Fellows

Project Director

For each year in the project participants will successfully complete at least 9 credit hours of coursework leading to a Bilingual or ESL Endorsement and an M. Ed. in Bilingual Multicultural Education in good academic standing. After three years in the program participants will have completed an M.Ed. or requested a leave of absence which includes a plan for tuition support and a timeline for coursework completion.

The number of teachers in each of the seven consortium schools certified for bilingual, English as a Second Language and Navajo as a Foreign Language will be calculated annually. In each district the personnel director will be responsible for updating teaching certificates. For each year in the project the number of Bilingual, English as a Second Language and Navajo as a Foreign Language endorsements will increase by 10%.

At the end of each year an assessment survey will be conducted to assure and to evaluate the performance of teachers regarding the implementation and methods of the Navajo language curriculum. This assessment survey will be administered by the Project Director to Mentor Teachers, Bilingual Master's Fellows and consortium site principals. At the end of year one this survey will be used to re-evaluate project activities

An External Evaluator will provide the Secretary of Education with an evaluation of the Learn in Beauty Bilingual Teacher Project every two years. Course evaluations and information from the BME exit survey, an oral interview administered to all students completing a graduate or undergraduate degree, will be used to inform the project. The Center for Excellence in Education at Northern Arizona University will use the evaluation for program improvement, to further define the program's purposes, and to determine program effectiveness.


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