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What did the Sinagua eat?

The Sinagua hunted animals such as elk and mule deer, gathered plants in the forests, and grew crops including corn.

Where did the people at Elden get water?

There are no major rivers or lakes near Elden Pueblo. A fresh water spring provides year round water and is located on Mt. Elden, about a 45 minute walk from the pueblo. The Sinagua probably stored snow and rain water as well.

How long did the Sinagua live at Elden Pueblo?

The pueblo was occupied for at least 300 years.

Why did the people leave?

Evidence of plant and pollen remains suggests that the environment changed. The ponderosa pine trees were not abundant at the time the pueblo was abandoned. Perhaps the people overexploited the environment. The Hopi suggested that it was time to move on and find a new home on the Hopi mesas.

How many people lived at Elden Pueblo?

If the 60 to 70 rooms were all occupied at the same time, with approximately 5 people living in each room, roughly 300 - 350 people could have lived at Elden Pueblo.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask an archaeologist.

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