DATES: A.D. 1150-1220 (Mills, Goetze and Zedeno 1993; but see Colton 1958,
Breternitz 1966 and Ambler 1985)
See Ware Description, except:
Surface Appearance: Somewhat well compacted and usually polished, but some
exterior bowl surfaces left scraped. Surfaces sometimes slipped.
Surface Color: Surface is white to light gray, sometimes with bluish tint.
Core can be any shade of gray.
Rims: Bowl rims are out-flaring. Often flat
and sometimes rounded.
Decoration and Paint: Painted with black carbon
paint. Lines average 3. 7 mm with a range of 2.5 - 4.5 mm. Designs are
extremely varied. Opposed barbed lines are diagnostic. Y-frame layout is common.
Cribbed lines, interlocking rectilinear and
triangular hooks, stacked chevrons common. "Throw-back" designs
are common; that is, designs that were frequent on earlier types such as Black
Mesa Black-on-white. The outflaring rims of bowls often have their own band
of design, such as opposed triangles, vertical hatching, or panels of small
RANGE: Northeast Arizona.
COMPARISON: Flagstaff lines are thinner than Sosi Black-on-white. Sosi is
usually bolder in design and stripes, with wider lines averaging 6.7 mm. Solid
elements are large, and barbs are less frequent. Sosi has no pinnate lines
and cross-hatching, but it is more highly polished. Flagstaff paste is finer
than Black Mesa, and designs are smaller. Flagstaff designs are similar to
some Walnut Black-on-white, which has thick white slip, dark gray paste, and
sherd temper. Flagstaff designs have less black than Tusayan Black-on-white.
Tusayan has fine grained coarse sand temper, and design covers most of surface.
Large solid masses and pinnate lines are frequent; pinnate lines are less
bold. Decorated surfaces are better smoothed, while undecorated surfaces are
well-smoothed and rarely pitted.
REMARKS: Flagstaff Black-on-white designs can be found in other media such
as rock art and textiles. For more on ceramic designs found in other media
see Hays-Gilpin (1995) and Schaafsma (1993) in the Flagstaff Black-on-white
Copyright 2001 Northern Arizona University.
Flagstaff Black-on-white