***bibliography of rock art and ethnography in the Southwest, student projects 2002 click here

*** Virtual Paleoethnobotany Manual click here****


This is the Virtual Ceramic Manual for field identification of Southwestern pottery types. It's under construction!


This manual displays student research at Northern Arizona University, and research by members of the Arizona Archaeological Society and other volunteers and scholars working throughout Northern Arizona. We hope it provides helpful information about how to identify potsherds from northern Arizona: how old are they? where were they made? what type names do archaeologists give them so we can talk with each other about who lived where and when? The traditional ware/type system for classifying pottery was born here in Flagstaff at the Museum of Northern Arizona in the 1930s. This system doesn't help us answer all the questions we have about human behavior, cultural affiliation, and the meanings of things, but it's still very useful for dating sites and tracing trade networks. We're working to make it even more useful and accessible. Please address comments, questions, and corrections to Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Asst. Professor of Anthropology, at kelley.hays-gilpin@nau.edu.


click below for:


San Francisco Mountain Gray Ware (by Susan Carroll Roberts)


Tusayan White Ware (under construction, by Dennis Blalock, Travis Bone, Judy Breen, Andrea Crider, Candace Lewis, Marilyn Sklar, and Kelley Hays-Gilpin)


Shinarump Plain (under construction, by Jill Baker)


Western Apache Pottery and Yavapai Pottery

(under construction, by Lee Rains Clauss)


Prescott Gray Ware ( under construction, by Kelley Hays-Gilpin and the Prescott Ceramic Conference with recent additions by Andrew Christenson.)


How to tell prehistoric pottery from asbestos floor tile


last updated 5/23/04