Shinarump Plain Ware




Construction: Coiled

Thinning: Scraped

Firing: Fires brown in an oxidizing atmosphere and gray in a reducing atmosphere; the presence of both brown and gray suggests an uncontrolled firing atmosphere.

Temper: Angular quartz sand.

Core Color: Dark gray or brown.

Clay: Residual Clay high in iron.

Core Texture: Medium to coarse.

Surface Appearance: Shinarump has a rough to coarse surface appearance with temper often visible from the surface. It can be corrugated or slightly slipped gray (Virgin Black-on-white and Toquerville Black-on-white) in addtion to plain.

Surface Color: Dark gray or brown with vitrification.

Vessel Forms: Storage and cooking jars and bowls.

Decoration and Paint Type: Shinarump Plain Ware has no decoration other than corrugation. Shinarump White Ware types, Virgin Black-on-white and Toquerville Black-on-white have decoration confined to the interior of bowls and the exterior of jars. An organic paint pigment is used on these types.

RANGE: Shinarump is found throughout the Virgin River Valley in Utah, Nevada and Northwestern Arizona.

COMPARISON: Shinarump belongs to the Virgin Series of the Tusayan wares and differs from the Kayenta Series in iron content, and probably in firing technology.


REMARKS: Colton, 1952, includes black-on-white types in his decription of Shinarump Gray Ware. The exact definition of Gray Ware vs. Shinarump Plain Ware is unclear using Colton's description. The utility types in the Shinarump Gray Ware have also been classified as Shinarump Plain Ware. This is sometimes referred to as one of the "sand tempered wares" by Margaret Lyneis. Sand tempered wares include Shinarump in the Virgin region and Tusayan wares in the Kayenta region. In the Virgin region, sand tempered wares are found throughout the course of Pueblo II and into Pueblo III, and probably acted as a residual category in earlier stages.


Shinarump Plain

Shinarump Corrugated


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