PERIOD: Prescott and Chino Phases

DATES: AD 1000 to 1400; poorly dated due to confusion with some examples of partly-oxidized Prescott Gray.

See Ware Description, except:

Finishing: Lightly wiped, scraped, or both, with a scum surface suggesting use of a lot of water in the finishing process.

Firing: Fully oxidized exteriors, non-oxidized interiors.

Surface Appearance: See ware description; but more likely to have scummed surface than other types.

Core Color: Bright orange at exterior grading to light gray toward interior surface; no carbon streak.

Surface Color: Clear, even bright orange exterior (2.5YR5/6), aluminum gray interior (10YR6/1 to 10YR6/2).

Core Texture: Medium, visible temper particles generally range between 0.1mm and ?mm; porous.

Firing clouds: Frequent and random [check this]

Thickness: 4.9mm to 9.0 mm.

Vessel Forms: Hemispherical bowls and globular jars are most common. Jars not as larger as Prescott Gray: 30 cm to 50 cm diameter. Bowls range 10 cm to 40 cm diameter.

Rims: Jar rims usually flared with round or, less commonly, squared edges. Bowl rims usually straight, occasionally slightly flared, with rounded or squared edges.

RANGE: See ware description.

COMPARISON: Partially oxidized Prescott Gray may have orange areas, but is predominantly gray, and orange areas are not as clear and bright orange. Prescott Gray lacks the aluminum gray interior color. Aquarius Orange is never brown, as Prescott Gray may be and Aquarius Brown in Tizon Brown Ware often is. Oxidized Deadmans Gray also tends not to run into the bright clear orange color range. It has finer temper, consisting mainly of abundant quartz sand temper. Intergrades may occur, however.


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Aquarius Orange