PERIOD: Pueblo I to Early Pueblo II

DATES: A.D. 725 to 950 (Colton 1958); Other date ranges include A.D. 790 to 1030 (Ambler 1985), A.D. 725-816+ (Breternitz 1966), and A.D. 825-1000 (Mills et al.1993).

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: Bowl exteriors are usually scraped, causing discernible marks. Other surfaces are smoothed or polished. Slip is rare. Those surfaces that are slipped are frequently coarsely crazed.

Surface Color: Light gray to white surface

Vessel Forms: See ware description. Pictured are hemispherical bowl and "jockey cap" scoop.

Rims: Straight wall, rim usually tapered or rounded, occasionally flat or beveled

Decoration and Paint: Organic paint. Designs often consist of thin, straight, often parallel lines that almost always overlap at the junctions or do not meet. Other common elements include rows of small solid triangles, flagged triangles, and chevrons. Ticked lines and short choppy brush strokes are diagnostic.

RANGE: See ware description.

COMPARISON: Kana-a has finer lines and surface finish is smoother than Lino Black-on-gray. Black Mesa Black-on-white has a finer paste and finish, more solid blacks, thicker lines and more even linework than Kana-a, and has dots instead of ticks. On Kana-a, triangles are usually narrower and more pointy than those on Black Mesa. Wepo Black-on-white has been identified by some analysts as a stylistic and temporal integrade between Kana-a and Black Mesa. Wepo displays elements of both styles, often combining thin Kana-a style linework with the pendant dots, large filled triangles, and segmented design layout common to Black Mesa (although any combination of characteristics is possible). Wepo correlates to what many early analysts have referred to as "Early Black Mesa." Floyd Black-on-gray (San Francisco Mountain Gray Ware) displays paint and designs similar to Kana-a, but it has fine quartz and mica temper and paddle and anvil construction. Kiatuthlanna Black-on-white (Cibola White Ware) has designs similar to Kana-a, but has mineral paint and a less smooth surface.

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION: Anasazi, Kayenta Branch

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Kana-a Black-on-white