PERIOD: Basketmaker III

DATES: A.D. 600-900

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: The exterior surface is very rough. Sometimes it has been scraped, other times wiped. Drag marks are visible. The interior is also rough, although sometimes it may be smoothed. Lino black-on-gray is not polished.

Surface Color: The color is usually medium gray, but can range from dark gray to almost white. Fire clouds are not unusual. A fugitive red exterior is common.

Vessel Forms: Bowls are more common than jars.

Rims: Straight walled round rimmed, but occasionally flat or beveled.

Decoration and Paint: Designs are usually crudely executed. Rows of triangles (saw-tooth lines), dot-filled areas, ticked or fringed lines are the most common designs.

RANGE: See ware description.

COMPARISON: Compared to the later Kana-a Black-on-white, Lino Black-on-gray has thicker lines and thicker vessel walls. Other types with similar designs occur in the Virgin Series of Tusayan White Ware, such as Boulder Black-on-gray and Mesquite Black-on-gray.


REMARKS: Painted designs resemble basket and textile patterns.

Synonyms: Post Basketmaker Ware (Kidder 1924), Post Basketmaker Pottery (Morris 1927), Basketmaker Black-on-white (Colton 1932), Lino Black-on-white (Gladwin 1932).

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Lino Black- on-gray