PERIOD: Possibly prehistoric through historic period of Arizona history. Ends before the creation of Arizona's reservation system.

DATES: A.D. 1500 to 1850 (Wood 1987). Breternitz (1960) suggests a shorter life-span of A.D. 1750-1850. Much of the debate about the beginning date for this pottery concerns anthropologists' arguments over when Yuman groups entered present day Arizona.

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: Exteriors appear as unpolished, obliterated, vertical corrugations. Interiors show evidence of scraping or wiping (Breternitz 1960).

Surface Color: Predominantly black (Breternitz 1960). However, the full range of Tizon Brown Ware colors have also been noted for this type (Wood 1987).

Vessel Forms: Not known to exist in bowl form. Jars have slightly recurved necks and rounded rims, but an overall shape has not been generalized (Breternitz 1960).

Rims: Rounded (Breternitz 1960).

RANGE: Central and western Arizona around Bagdad, West Clear Creek, and Wagoner. Also recovered from the Bloody Basin and Turkey Creek Cave areas.

COMPARISON: Scholars have not noted any direct comparison of this type to any other type in the Southwest. However, in analyzing Yavapai-Apache ceramic sherds, I found it difficult in some cases to ascertain the differences between prehistoric vertical corrugated types in the Mogollon Brown Ware and Alameda Brown Ware series and Orme Ranch Plain.

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Orme Ranch Plain