PERIOD: Prehistory through the historic period (reservation era) of Arizona.

DATES: Prehistoric to A. D. 1890. If associated with Yuman groups in Arizona, the beginning date my be around A. D. 1100-1500.

See Ware Description, except:

Surface Appearance: Exterior and interior of vessels intentionally striated or wiped in an irregular cross-hatching fashion.

RANGE: Area of occurence is bounded to the north by the Colorado River, to the east by Grand Canyon Village, to the west by Prospect Valley, and to the south by Cherry Creek and Bloody Basin (Euler and Dobyns 1958).

COMPARISON: Very closely resembles the Apache Plain type (see Vessel Picture and Surface Appearance Picture), especially in sherd form. Ferg (1992) notes, however, that in some cases the two kinds of sherds can be distinguished from one another. In terms of thickness, Tizon Wiped tends to be thicker than Apache Plain. This difference, Ferg suggests, is due to the larger temper particles and larger percentage of temper found in Tizon Wiped versus Apache Plain sherds. Furthermore, Ferg indicates that the striations on Yavapai pottery tend to be smoothed to a greater degree than in Apache pottery. Lastly, in terms of vessel morphology, it is important to note that bowls are extremely rare in the Apache ceramic assemblage. Furthermore, Apache jars have pointed bottoms, high shoulders, tall and outflaring necks (see Vessel Picture)and rounded rims, while Yavapai jars have flat or rounded bases, low shoulders, short vertical necks, and flattened rims (although rounded rims have also been recorded) (see Vessel Picture).

REMARKS: I have found it very difficult to use Ferg's classification system when analyzing plain, striated sherds from mixed Yavapai/Apache contexts. I find more similarities between these two ceramic types than differences during analysis. Thus, the use of these distinguishing traits should be applied very carefully.

© Copyright 2001 Northern Arizona University.

Tizon Wiped