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Tobias J.Kreidl's
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Information and other trivia -- take a look...



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Last update: Tue, November 12, 2019, 14:35:26 MST

This page has been accessed *many* times since Jan 1, 1996
(yes, really!).

List of the top URLs on various NAU Web servers.

Hello, web surfer! [a photo] Here's some Web-based information that covers briefly the history and current activities and interests of Dr. Tobias Kreidl , who is a member of NAU's Computing Technology Services staff. He's currently an NAU Team Lead for Academic Computing and heavily involved in virtualization, GPU technology and general serrvices to students, faculty and staff. He brought up (and istill helps to maintain) the "dana" and "jan" unix systems, and hopes you are getting a lot out of them.

(Bad photo to the right -- my eyes are really blue. Really.) Education, work, interests, etc. will all appear here eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day, either.

Education and Work Experience

  • University of Vienna, Austria, Ph.D. in Astronomy (minor in experimental physics), 1979.
  • Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, Research Associate: 1979-80
  • Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, Astronomer: 1980-1993
    • Assistant Computer System Manager: 1980-1990
    • Computer System Manager: 1990-1993
  • Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ: System Manager, 1993-1994
  • Northern Arizona University, ITS, Systems Analyst: Jul. 1994 - Jun. 1995
    Systems Analyst, Senior: Jul. 1995 - Aug. 1997
    Systems Analyst, Principal: Sep. 1997 - Nov. 1997
    Systems Programmer, Principal (Acad. Comp. unix Team Lead): Dec. 1997 - Nov. 2008
    Team Lead for combined Acad. Computing Student Computing and Network Team
        and Acad. Computing unix Team: Nov. 2008 -
    • Adjunct Faculty (Physics and Astronomy): 1988-2014

For work/job related information (computers, astronomy), click here. Here is a Microsoft Word Doc version of my curriculum vitae (resume), which also contains a link to my publications in PDF format.

Recent projects: One recent project has involved helping to establish a searchable database for abstracts of the American Journal of Physics (AJP) and The Physics Teacher (TPT) covering 1976-95.

I have also implemented a new, localized Google search engine. Note: This is now defunct.

To check it out, go to NAU's Google search engine page. Or, if you wish, search just my local Web pages:

Computer Consulting

See my commercial site for consultation work I do: click here.

Non-work (fun!) Interests

PIU logo

  • For personal information, click here.
  • For information on general hobbies and interests, click here.
  • I'm very interested in many kinds of music. For further information, photos, and some audio files for your listening pleasure, consult the music section.
  • I also enjoy following the antics of Dr. Fun, and the SPAM site.
  • My favorite tag lines!
  • The Worst of the Web (TM)!
Test server push area. Want to see what time it is? :-)

To send me e-mail...

This document is maintained by me; comments can be emailed to me directly at the following address (or just use the convenient following hot area; it'll only work if your e-mail address can be authenticated):
Click here to send questions or comments via email.

Test -- if an employee at NAU, click here and you should be able to access the test page.