Biology BIO 190 NAU
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BIO190: The Class: Mammals: Lesson 31

The Mammals

Mammalogy is the study of mammals. NAU's Department of Biological Sciences offers a course in mammalogy. Contact the Biology Department's Advisement Center for details 520-523-9304.

Mammal Species of the World

Armadillo Online!

Mammal Faculty: Dr. Con Slobodchikoff (520-523- 7231) conducts researh with prairie dogs. Dr.Sylvester Allred (520-523-7214) conducts research on tree squirrels. Dr. Tad Thimer conducts research on javelinas (520-523-7237) Contact them if mammal research is of interest to you.

Phylum Chordata
Subphlum Vertebrata
Superclass Gnathostomata
Class Mammalia (figs. 31-1 --> 31 - 27)

Mammals, with their highly developed nervous system and numerous ingenious adaptations, occupy almost every environment on earth that supports life. The Class Mammalia is overall the most biologically differentiated group in the animal kingdom.

Open the link below for an overview of mammalian phylogeny.

The Phylogeny of Mammals

The following are characteristics of mammals.

The Tiger Information Center

Human evolution (pp. 615 - 619)

  • Primates are of great interest to humans because of their close phylogenetic relationship. Find out more about primates, particularly the apes, at the sites below.

      Primate Gallery
      Primate of the Week
      The Orangutan

    Once you have completed the lesson, you should go to Assignment 31-1.

    E-mail Sylvester Allred at


    Copyright 1997 Northern Arizona University