BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Communication : Parents : Web/VCC Activity

Web and VCC Activity: Models and Approaches for Parental Involvement

Search the Internet for models and approaches for parental involvement in schools in culturally diverse communities. The best approach would be to search for models and approaches that mirror your teaching situation, or those that are of interest to you.

Briefly review two articles and provide the links in your comments. The ERIC database is one place to search. Keywords for your search may be "Parents" and "Schools." The format for each of the reviews follows:

  1. A one paragraph review that includes the title and author(s);
  2. one paragraph on your evaluative comments; and
  3. the link address.

    Post your reviews on the VCC section, "INTERNET Parental Involvement Models and Approaches."

    Once you have finished you should:

    Go back to Topic 4: Communication with Parents


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