BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Gangs : Research

Internet Research Activity: Gang Sites

First, search the internet for links on "gang" sites. As you will see, there are even posted sites by the gangs themselves! Check out sites about gangs in urban sites such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Check out sites and information regarding your own community (if available). Look for national databanks on gangs. Are there any sites for teachers and educators? Learn about signs and symbols; learn to read some graffiti; learn why children join gangs; how do male and female children get initiated into gangs? explore some community and school-based programs; and explore information about your own community! Below are some suggested sites. But there are thousands to explore! Use many search engines for this task.

Brief overview and history of gangs in America

Gang Problem in Navajo Nation?

Is your child in a gang? This a short article by the Sacramento Police Department. It quickly informs parents (and teachers) about changes in their children's behavior that are linked to gangs.

National Youth Gang Center. For national statistics and overview of the problem nationally.

Gang Signs and Symbols


Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Gangs in your Community
Go back to Youth Gangs and the Schools


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