BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Introduction : Culture 2 : Review

What is and what is not Culture

Culture is…

  • Dynamic---neither fixed nor static
  • A continuous and cumulative Process
  • Learned and Shared by a people
  • Behavior and Values exhibited by a people
  • Creative and Meaningful to our lives
  • Symbolically represented through Language and people Interacting
  • That which Guides people in their thinking, feeling, and acting.

Culture is….
  • NOT only mere Artifacts or Material used by people
  • NOT only a "laundry list" of Traits and Facts
  • NOT biological traits such as Race
  • NOT only the Ideal and Romantic Heritage of a people as seen through music, dance, holidays, etc.
  • NOT only Higher Class Status derived from a knowledge of the arts, manners, literature, etc.
  • NOT something to be Bought, Sold, or Passed Out

    Once you have finished you should:

    Go on to Assignment 1: Culture: Not bought, sold or passed out
    Go back to What is Culture? Part 2


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