BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Introduction : Intro : Search the Web

Search the Web

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. Complete the activity as outlined below.
  3. Complete the search as outlined.

We will be using the World Wide Web as a resource for this course. This assignment will help you become acquainted with how to search the Web and how web pages are organized. You are NOT required to send me your results; just do the activity to become familiar with searching the web.

For general information and tips on how to conduct a search on the web, click on the link below.

Tips for Searching the Web

Next, open your browser (Netscape, Explorer) and choose the "search" key. You are searching for information on Mexican culture and more specifically on a Mexican cultural event, The Day of the Dead / El día de los muertos. In the search line, type the phrase "Mexican Culture." Read the descriptions of the first ten items that come up.

Now try the same search using a different search engine (Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc). Are the results different?

Once you have completed this assignment you should:

Go on to Topic 2: What is Culture?
Go back to Introduction to BME 637

E-mail Dr. Carrasco at


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