BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Languages : World Languages : Living Languages

Web Activity 2: Living Languages of the World

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully.
  2. Post your response in the Portfolio area of the VCC.

Open the link below again. Explore this site again and this time address the following questions and post the answers in your student portfolio in the VCC. Label your reponses with the heading WORLD LANGUAGES.

Please use the VCC button below to go into Virtual Conference Center to address the questions..

1.What area of the World has the most languages?

2. How many Englishes (dialects of English) are there in the USA?. You can explore any country's languages and dialects. How many languages are there in the USA? How can this web research on languages be useful to you as teacher?

3. Explore your language family. What is your language family and what is your branch?
World Languages


Once you have explored this web site to find the answers to the above questions, go to the VCC student Portfolio area and post your responses. Be sure to label the postings as WORLD LANGUAGES.

Once you have completed this assignment you should:

Go back to Languages of the World




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