BME 637
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 BME637 : The Class : Second Language Acquisition : Acquisition and Culture : Reflect on the Readings

Reflect on the Readings

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully.
  2. Post your response in the Portfolio area of the VCC.

Based on the readings, can you answer the following questions and post your answers in the VCC---in your Portfolio.

Please use the VCC button below to go into Virtual Conference Center. You should post your response in your Portfolio area. Remember to begin your posting with the title of the assignment, in this case, "Reflect on the Readings."

1. Briefly comment on different cultural patterns in language use and code switching.

2. As a teacher, what practical area(s) did you find exciting, useful, insightful and interesting in this article? Why?

Once you have completed this assignment you should:

Go on to Group Assignment 2: Discuss Second Language Acquisition
Go back to Second Language Acquisition and Culture



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