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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Restatement : Exercise 2.7.3

Exercise 2.7.3

Consider now the last two sentences of this paragraph:

If a woman does not consent to invest her pregnancy with meaning or value, then the merely biological process can be freely terminated. Prior to her own free choice and conscious investment, a woman cannot be described as "mother' nor can "child" be said to exist.

One of these sentences is yet another restatement of the premise in box 1; the other we can interpret to be a restatement of the conclusion in box 2. Decide which is which; add them to the appropriate boxes below; then turn the page to check your work.

Download Word file.

Check your work.

Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Exercise2-7-4
Go back to Restatement

E-mail George Rudebusch at
or call (520) 523-7091

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