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PHI332 : The Class : Argument ID : Discount Words : Exercise 2.8.2

Exercise 2.8.2

Strike through these sentences, then check your work on the next page.

Pro-life feminists grant the good intentions of their pro-choice counterparts. Even so, they protest that the pro-choice position is flawed, morally inadequate, and inconsistent with feminism's basic demands for justice.

Even though pro-life feminists grant the good intentions of their pro-choice counterparts, they protest that the pro-choice position is flawed, morally inadequate, and inconsistent with feminism's basic demands for justice.

Pro-life feminists protest that the pro-choice position is flawed, morally inadequate, and inconsistent with feminism's basic demands for justice, even though they grant the good intentions of their pro-choice counterparts.

Download Word file.

Check your work.

Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Exercise2-8-3
Go back to Discount Words

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or call (520) 523-7091

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