American Indian Education

American Indian / Indigenous Education

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American Indian, Alaska Native, and Indigenous Links

(Updated September 16, 2024)
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
American Indian Film Gallery
American Indian Quarterly Requires Project Muse Subscription
Assembly of First Nations Canada
Center for World Indigenous Studies Publishes On-Line Fourth World Journal
Circle of Stories PBS Web Site on Native Storytelling
Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask Requires Project Muse Subscription
First Nations Drum News from Canada's Native Communities
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet Very comprehensive index
Indian Country Today on-line news source
Journal of Indigenous Research Utah State University
Labriola National American Indian Data Center Arizona State University
Links to Aboriginal Resources Bill Henderson's site
National Congress of American Indians
National Native News A weekday, 5-minute newscast, produced by Koahnic Broadcast Corporation in Anchorage.
Native Times "Today's Independent Indian News"
Native News Network News of interest to Native Americans, Hawaiian Natives & Alaskan Natives (Andre Cramblit's blog)
Native News On-Line.Net
Native Sites
Sorted by Tribe (Cradleboard Project)
Navajo Times
Studies in American Indian Literature Requires Project Muse Subscription
Survival: The Movement for Tribal Peoples
Transmotion Open-access journal inspired by the work of Gerald Vizenor
Wicazo Sa Review Requires Project Muse Subscription

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American Indian Education Literacy and Reading Language Policy
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