Teaching Indigenous Languages Thursday, March 27, 2025 

Teaching Indigenous Languages

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Archived NABE News Indigenous Bilingual Education Columns
© National Association for Bilingual Education

These archived columns are reproduced from files sent to NABE and may not reflect editorial changes made by NABE. Permission to reprint is hereby given with proper credit to author(s) and NABE News as source of publication. Articles are the opinion of the author(s) and not official policy or position of NABE. In 2005 NABE News ceased publication and was replaced by the magazine Language Learner. The Language Learner magazine ceased publication in 2006 and NABE News resumed publication in 2007. Some Language Learner articles are linked at http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jar/Articles.html.
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55. The Failures of NCLB's Reading First, 31(3), 18-20, January/February, 2009
54. Linguicism in America, 30(1), 12-15, September/October 2007
53. Place-conscious Education for American Indian Students, 27(6), 26, July/August 2004
52. Journeying Home: Creating Our Future From Our Past, 27(5), 22 & 25, May/June 2004
51. Is Anyone to Blame for the American Drop-out Rate? 26(6), 26-27, July/August 2003

50. How to Keep Indigenous Languages Alive, 26(5), 22, May/June 2003
49. Identity, Schooling, and Success, 25(4), 20-21, March/April 2002
48. Place- and Community-Based Curriculum for High School English Language Learners, 25(3), 23-24, January/February 2002
47. Identity and Academic Success, 25(1), 18 & 33, September/October 2001 Literacy and School Success 24(4), pp. 18-19. March/April 2001.
45. Hard Truths, Deep Structure, and Bilingual Education, 24(3), 26 & 46. January/February 2001
44. Indigenous Community-Based Education, 24(2), 23. November/December 2000
43. English for the Children--Arizona, 24(1), 15 & 35. September/October 2000
42. Culturally Responsive Math and Science Education for Native Students, 23(6), 10-11. 5/1/2000.
41. Indigenous Language Use and Change in the Americas 23(5), 9-10. 3/15/2000.

40. Transforming the Culture of Schools 23(3), 14-15. 12/15/1999
39. Neil Postman's The End of Education, 23(2), 24-25. 11/1/1999
38. Who's Responsible, 23(1), 19 & 22. 9/15/1999
37. Low Literacy, High Expectations, 22(8), 17 & 20. 8/1/1999
36. Comprehensive Federal Indian Education Policy Statement, 22(3), pp. 9-10. 12/15/1998
35. Importance of Reading, Part 2, 22(2), pp. 15-16. 11/1/1998
34. Importance of Reading, Part 1, 22(1), pp. 11-12. 9/15/1998
33. Immersion Education, 21(8), pp. 23-24. 8/1/1998
32. Two Higher Education Programs which Promote Navajo and Hawaiian, 21(7), p. 29. 6/15/1998
31. Collected Wisdom, 21(6), pp. 9-10, 5/1/1998

30. Teaching Indigenous Languages, 21(2), p. 31, 11/1/1997
29. Places of Memory: Whiteman's Schools and Native American Communities, 21(1), pp. 11-12, 9/15/ 97
28. The Fourth Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium, 20(8), pp. 21-22. 8/1/1997
27. NABE's 1997 American Indian Institute, 20(5), pp. 41-42, 3/15/1997
26. Citizen or Subject? Part II, 19(8), pp. 9-10 & 26. 8/1/1996
25. Citizen or Subject, Part I, 19(7), pp. 35-36 &42. 6/15/1996
24. Two Tribal Language Preservation Efforts, 19(6), pp. 17 & 32. 5/1/1996
23. Affirmative Action, 19(1), p. 11. 9/15/1995
22. Nurturing Learning in Native American Students, 18(7), p. 13. 6/15/1995
21. Affirming Diversity, 18(1), p. 9. 9/15/1994

20. American Indian English, 17(8), p. 11. 8/1/1994
19. Crow Students Read Poetry at Library of Congress, 17(7), p. 25. 6/15/94
18. Tribal Colleges are Training a New Generation of Bilingual Educators, 17(5), p. 19. 3/15/1994
17. Second Language Acquisition, 17(3), pp. 25 & 35. 12/15/1993
16. Constructivist Approaches to Literacy, 17(2), pp. 21 & 29. 11/1/1993
15. Tuba City's Two-Way Bilingual Program, 17(1), p. 5
14. Native American Literary Encounters, 16(8), p. 9. 8/15/1993
13. Resistance and Empowerment, 16(6), pp. 11 & 25. 5/15/1993
12. "Whole Mathematics", 16(2), pp. 5-6. 11/15/1992
11. Affective Factors, 16(1), p. 3. 10/1/1992

10. The White House Conference on Indian Education & the Tribal College Movement, 15(7), pp. 7 & 18. 7/1/1992
9. Indian Nations at Risk Task Force Supports Bilingual Education, 15(4), pp. 7 & 16. 4/1/92
8. Whole Language, 15(2), p. 7. 11/1 91
7. Preventing Dropouts, 15(1), p. 5. 9/15/91
6. Language Survival, 14(8), p. 7. 8/1/91
5. American Indian Bilingual Education: European Parallels, 14(6), p. 7. 5/1/91
4. New Zealand "Language Nests," 14(5), p. 17. 3/15/1990
3. Rock Point School Revisited, 14(4), pp. 15-16. 2/1/91
2. Native American Languages Act Becomes Law, 14(3), pp. 1 & 8-9. 12/1/1990
1. American Indian Bilingual Education: Some History, 14(2), p. 5. 11/5/1990

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