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The Professor - Dr. 'J'
Thumbnail sketch We are discovering a great deal about human beings. Some of the knowledge comes from genome studies, some from observation, some from working with those who are ill. My insights come from a combination of studying the work of others, doing my own researching and working with children. A total of 36 youngsters called me Mom for some part of their lives. I worked in shelters for juvenile offenders, rehab centers, and with youth in a State Hospital setting. I taught in several public school settings K-12. I worked as a child advocate, spent nearly a decade in welfare work, was a counselor in behavioral health, and provided family and juvenile counseling. I currently teach at Northern Arizona University and provide proactive discipline and parenting classes around the state. My children are a diverse group; one youngster with Downs, another with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and one with Fetal Alcohol Effect. Schizophrenia, drug babies, conduct disorders, ADHD, gifted, and various forms of personality and behavior disorders were common for most of them. Some of my children came from abusive or neglectful situations, and in my home they were deeply loved. Most of my youngsters were adolescents when I began to parent them, but I have a "homemade" child, raised two from birth and several from early childhood to adulthood. I still have three daughters living at home. I am grounded in these experiences and my training in education, child development, family systems and psychology. I see myself as a humanistic psychologist who pools important ideas from many sources -- philosophy, religion, science, psychology and I find valuable pieces of truth about people and the human condition from diverse writers, theorists and researchers.
ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1988-Present Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, AZ) 1985-1987.1 Classroom Teacher, K-12 Chapter One Math 1985-1987.2 Coordinator, K-12 Gifted program; School Counselor, K-12 Pima Unified District (Pima, AZ) 1984-1985 Supervisor, Child Youth and Family Services Dept. of Economic Security (Graham Co., AZ) 1979-1984 Social Worker, Child Protective Services Dept. of Economic Security (Graham Co.,AZ) 1978-1979 Case Worker, Division of Developmental Disabilities Dept. of Economic Security (Four counties in AZ) 1977-8 Programs Coordinator and Mental Health Counselor Graham Co. Behavioral Health Services (Safford, AZ) 1974-1977 Junior High Teacher Unit One, Glendale Unified District (Glendale, AZ) 1972-1973 Residential Treatment Provider and Manager Arizona Baptist Children's Home (Phoenix, AZ) 1970-1972 Elementary Classroom Teacher Holmes School, multiage/multi-graded (Mesa, AZ) PART II: SCHOLARLY PRODUCTIVITY Refereed Publications Ellsworth, J. D. & Ellsworth. M. A. (2000). Communications and Web Courses. Costas Spirou (Ed.), ( Proceedings of the International Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Research and Training Institute of East Agean, Samos, Greece. Ellsworth, J.D. (1999). The democratic classroom: Giving students power. Thought and Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal, Vol XV (1), 61-70. Ellsworth, J.D. (1999). Student as a Focus. Action in Teacher Education, Vol.XXI (3), Ellsworth, J.D. (1999). The Gifted Adolescent: Addressing existential dread. Adolescence, Ellsworth, J.D. & Monahan, A. K. (1998). Teaching and Learning: Evaluating the novice teacher. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol 24 (1) pp. 71-86. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997). Evaluating diverse teaching styles. Record in Educational Leadership, Vol 17 (1), 11-13. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997). Enhancing student responsibility to increase student success. Educational Horizons, 76 (1), 100-104. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997). Inclusion and individualization. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 33 (2), 98-102. Ellsworth, J.D. & Peterson, P. (1997). Stepping Stones to Communal Integrity: Cross cultural ideas. The Rural Educator, 18 (3), 32-35. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997). Mentor teaching role: Sharing the torch. Issues and Inquiry in College Learning and Teaching, 19(1), 4-8. Ellsworth, J. D. (1996). The Mirror image of children at risk. Proteus: A Journal of Ideas, 13. (2), 3-8. Ellsworth, J. D. & Monahan, A. K. (1996). Developmental Discipline: A channel to multicultural understanding. Journal of Intergroup Relations, 23, (2), 34-46. Ellsworth, J. D. (1996). Impulse control: Working effectively with students at risk. The Journal of At-risk Issues, 3, (1) 3-9. Ellsworth, J. D. (1996). PEPSI: A screening and programming tool for understanding the whole child.. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33-44. Ellsworth, J. D. & Monahan, A. K. (1996). Stepping stones to communal integrity. In D. Davis, (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Applied Ethics (pp. 354-359). Long beach, CA: California State University. Ellsworth, J. D. (1995). Two faces of esteem: Being and doing. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 22 (1), 19-25. Ellsworth, J. D. (1994). Four Teaching Roles: Enriching great teachers. (J. Chambers, Ed.). Selected papers from the Fifth National Conference on College Teaching and Learning (pp. 27-33). Jacksonville, Florida: Florida Community College. Minner, S., Ellsworth, J. D., & Prater, G. (1994). Experiences of applicants for college and university positions in special education. Teacher Education and Special Education 17, (3), 200-210. Ellsworth, J.D. (1993). Teaching\learning relationship. Education, 114, 307-318. Peer Reviewed Publications: Ellsworth, J. D. (1999). Teaching: Dances with wills. Focus on Middle School: A quarterly newsletter for the education community,11 (4), 1-6. Ellsworth, J.D. (1998) Tips for parents: Preventive Discipline for your child. Mountain Living Magazine,16 (5), 34. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997, April 10) Hey, parents: Finding fault with child will solve nothing. Foothills Sentinel, p. 12. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997, April 5) Preventive discipline can help parents cope. Eastern Arizona Courier, p. 5. Ellsworth, J.D. (1997, March 12) Preventive discipline sets limitations. Sedona Red Rock News, p. 8. Ellsworth, J. D. Impulse control: Working effectively with difficult children. Instructor, Ellsworth, J. D. (1996). The power of letting go. Teaching PreK-8, 26, (4), 72-73. Ellsworth, J.D. & Monahan, A. K. (1995). The impact of the Developmental Discipline management system. ERIC, resources in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. Ed 378 150). Ellsworth, J.D. & Monahan, A. K. (1989). Empower yourself for better classroom management. Instructor, 99 (1)72-75. Ellsworth, J.D. & Monahan, A. K. (1989). Accelerated learning for At-risk students: Teacher, student and parent empowerment ERIC, resources in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. Ed 307 229). Books and pamphlets Ellsworth, J.D. & Monahan, A. K. (1987). A Humanistic approach to teaching / learning through Developmental Discipline. New York: Irvington. Ellsworth, J.D. (1983). Foster parents are the greatest. Phoenix: Arizona, State of Arizona Printing Office, PA-237. PART III: PRESENTATIONS International Presentations Addressing student learning styles in web education. Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: An International Conference. Samos, Greece, August, 2000. Building a powerful web course. Invited opening speaker. American Federation of Teachers International Meeting on Higher Education. Washington, DC. April, 2000. Quality courses: Crucial elements in providing state of the art education via the web. Fourth annual conference of the Global Alliance for Transnational Education. Melbourne, Australia. September, 1999. Developmental Discipline: Building student responsibility in the Middle School. Association for Childhood Education International, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1999 Ten Lessons to Build Community. Association for Childhood Education International, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1999 Building new relationships: Teacher, student, content. Twenty Third International Conference of Improving University Learning and Teaching, Dublin, Ireland, July 1998. Enhancing teaching with four articulated teaching/learning roles: Developing multi-faceted teaching and learning. Half day workshop at Twenty Third International Conference of Improving University Learning and teaching, Dublin, Ireland, July 1998. Four teaching roles: Developing the Integrated, Multi-faceted Teaching Style. 1997 Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Portland, OR. April, 1997 Four teaching roles: Developing the integrated, multi-faceted teaching style. International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, Phoenix, AZ. October, 1994. Utilizing a classroom management program to increase student responsibility. International Conference for Educational Excellence, Haifa, Israel, 1987. Improving student academic scores using Developmental Discipline. Third International Human Sciences Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May, 1986. National and Regional Presentations "Love my web class." Arizona Distance Learning Association Second Annual Conference. Scottsdale, AZ, October, 2000. Stepping up to Pro-active Management. National Rural Education Association. Tucson, AZ. September, 1997 Four Teaching and Learning Roles: Initiating a Paradigm that more Fully Engages the Distance Learner. National University Telecommunications Network, Vail, CO. June 28, 1997. Developing a Democratic Learning Environment: Eight years and getting better! Association of Teacher Educators, February, 1997. Discipline for Democracy a Pre-K -12 Management program. Association of Teacher Educators Summer Workshop. August, 1996. Developing Self-Responsibility in Native American Students: Working Paper Group. (Only 6 papers chosen - critiqued and then to be offered at the Winter ATE Conference and subsequently printed in the ATE Action Journal). Association of Teacher Educators Summer Workshop. August, 1996. Ten Lessons to Build Community. Institute on College Student Values. Florida State University, Wakulla Springs, Florida. February, 1996. Treasuring our gifts: Teacher development as formative fun. Sixth National Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, FL., April 1995. Developing and assessing diverse teaching roles -- Workshop. Seventy-fifth Diamond Jubilee Convention of Association for College Teachers. Detroit, MI, Feb., 1995. Four teaching roles: Developing the integrated, multi-faceted teaching style. Fifth National Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, FL., April,1994. PEPSI: a screening devise. Diagnostique: Council for Exceptional Diagnostic Services. New Orleans, LA, October 23, 1993. Utilizing a PEPSI approach to enjoy assessing culturally diverse students. Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners. Council for Exceptional Children. Minneapolis, MN, October 1992 Developmental Discipline, a proactive classroom management program. National At-Risk Conference. March 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. Phoenix, AZ. The effects of structure and motivation on the creative song of children. National Association for Education of Young Children. Phoenix, AZ, April 1970. Teaching/Learning Roles: Systemic changes, outcomes and evaluations. AERO Annual Conference. Mesa, AZ. October, 1998. Expanding and enhancing the teaching role. Keynote Address for NAU Part-time Instructor's conference, Flagstaff, AZ. June, 1998. Practical Solutions to Impulse Control Issues for At-Risk Youth. Council for Exceptional Children State Conference. Tucson, AZ. Mar. 1998. Building Partnerships between home and school with At-Risk youngsters. West Coast Regional Special Education Conference. Anaheim, CA. Nov. 1997. Stepping stones to Intercultural integrity. CEE Connecting with Schools Partnership Conference, October, 1997. Building Community: Keys for working with Sedona youth & families. Keynote Address for Sedona Forum, Flagstaff, AZ. February, 1997. Developing a democratic learning environment: Eight years and getting better! Arizona Education Research Organization Conference, October, 1996. Integrating Science and the seven intelligences through individualization. Southern Arizona Mini Math/Science Conference, April, 1996. Building Relationship: A key to teaching the middle school student. Keynote Address for ASA Middle School Conference, Phoenix, AZ. February, 1996. PEPSI - a developmental model for understanding reading readiness. IRA 23rd Southwest Regional Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February, 1996. Esteem and Empowerment: Exciting paradoxical keys in building self and others. The Way Up Conference, October, 1995. Developmental Discipline: Motivation and modeling of a Dynamic Program to assist self responsibility in education, Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association. Corpus Cristi, Texas. December, 1990. Honors Nominated for Centennial Teacher by ESP area / NAU, 1998 Nominated for Centennial Teacher for CEE / NAU, 1997 Senior Honors Award "Teacher who made the most difference", 1994, 1997. 1998, 1999, 2000 Nominated Woman of the Year by Allan Hall, NAU Residence Hall Nominated as Citizen Ambassador in humanistic education delegation for Program of People to People International to China, Winter, 1996, 1999. Nominated as Citizen Ambassador in gifted education delegation for Program of People to People International to South Africa, Fall, 1996. Wakonse Delegate chosen to represent CEE and NAU, Summer, 1995 Nominated from the Center for Excellence as potential candidate for outstanding teacher from NAU, Summer, 1994. Nominated from the Center for Excellence as a candidate for outstanding university teacher scholar award. Senior Honors Award "Teacher who made the most difference", Spring,1993. Outstanding teacher award, NAU Student body, Fall 1991. Featured in Lumberjack as outstanding teacher, Northern Arizona University, 1991. Center for Excellence "Outstanding teaching award", Education Specialties unit. Served on DES Arizona State advisory panel to develop curriculum and deliver state wide training for Child Protective Services unit. Phi Kappa Phi, Brigham Young University Summa cum Laude, Arizona State University Phi Theta Kappa, Eastern Arizona College Valedictorian, Eastern Arizona College Citation or recognition of work PEPSI model, in use by an international partnership with Ukraine to assess students GZerebecky@SASKED. GOV.SK.CA Secondary Science Student Teaching Seminar @ http//www.coe.ufl.edu/IC/syllabi/jones1.html Micali, B.J. & McKay, P. (1998). Collaborating for Success: A model for providing an integrated and collaborative approach to problem solving and intervention planning. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System. PEPSI model used as a diagnostic tool. Hyman, I. A. (1997). School Discipline and School Violence. Developmental Discipline reviewed or noted on pp. 172, 301, 345, 371. Christiansen School Primary Multi age Partnership Brochure (Summer, 1996). PEPSI as foundation for success. Hyman, I. (1994). Teacher Variance: A multidimensional approach to school discipline. (1994). Developmental Discipline reviewed and discussed in synthesis of discipline programs. Avivah Dahbany (1994). Developmental Discipline discussed as part of literature review for doctoral dissertation from Temple University. San Jose State University (1993). PEPSI included in multicultural special education personnel preparation program. Idaho State University (1993). Teacher Empowerment article included in undergraduate teacher preparation packet. Courses Taught at NAU ECI 301 Teaching Reading and Decoding Skills ECI 303 Fund. of Reading Instruction - Elementary Ed. ECI 321 Elementary Curriculum ECI 330 Evaluation of Learning - Elementary Ed. ECI 404 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading - Elem. Ed. ECI 490 Elementary Student Teaching Supervision ECI 495 Secondary Student Teaching Supervision ECI 593 Developmental Discipline ECI 644 Social Studies in the Elementary School ECI 697 Independent Study EPS 324 Educational Psychology - Elementary EPS 325 Educational Psychology - Middle and Secondary EPS 605 Applied Educational Psychology EPS 606 Applied Behavior Management EPS 611 Adolescent Psychology ESE 380 Introduction to the Exceptional Child ESE 423 Assessment in Exceptional Children ESE 424 Foundations of Special Education ESE 425 Class. Management of the Exceptional Child ESE 460 Consultation and Collaboration ESE 491 Special Education Student Teach. Supervision ESE 499 Teacher as Mentor ESE 502 Discipline on the Web ESE 504 Special Ed Methods ESE 548 Survey of Special Education ESE 593 Discipline for Democracy ESE 593 Teacher as Mentor ESE 655 Advanced Assessment of Exceptional Children ESE 656 Advanced Assessment Practicum |
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Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu ![]() Copyright
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