ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Module Three

Activity one: Take the Sail Down!

Directions: Choose one of the following ways to apply these principles to the classroom and report about your experience.

1. Observe your class and make anecdotal notes of times when irritation, anger or emotional overload occur.

2. List times you get upset and suggest alternative activities to lighten the
mood and prevent anger stealing self respect and peace of mind.

3. Make a list of ways that anger can be defused in the classroom. Try at least two when you find emotions escalating and report back about the feelings.

4. Develop a monitoring devise for students - a thermometer with a sliding string is one example, and see if it helps to have students try to keep track of how they are feeling.

5. Discuss power and control with the classroom if old enough to be insightful. Report the outcome and experience to the teacher.

Interested in understanding more about anger, hostility, cynicism, anxiety? Click here and try this quiz.

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