Module Three |
Reading Three: Structure |
Praxis Three
These are suggested activities. Feel free to complete them and send them to
the professor. They provide a natural progression of activities to facilitate
proactive discipline.
The classroom setting is likely to appear radically altered by these subtle
changes. For some teachers change signals anxiety, just as it does for some
students. Remembering how much learning means to us, and seeing the changes
as learning, reflecting , growing, and developing adds energy and excitement.
Recognizing an opportunity for greater effectiveness, stronger relationship
to students, deeper meaning and service to society balances with the discomfort
of change. The rest of this hands on material outlines the processes and steps
which will help the excellent practitioner. The suggested changes are a blue
print. In each classroom there will be original ideas, and personally stronger,
more efficient ways to move toward democratic discipline.
It may be helpful if a cadre of teachers form a partnership to discuss the changes and provide support and insights as the implementation progresses. It is vital to remember the partnership with community and family and enlist assistance and insights from these members as well. Great teachers know, as business leaders are learning, that some of the clearest perspective and freshest ideas come from students. Providing appropriate times and places for student input and perspectives helps as well. All these supports can assist in the journey to a rebirth of the meaning of education, a commitment to support education, the profession of teaching, the vision of democracy taught and honored in the schools.